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Everything posted by deadshot462

  1. Hello everyone, Short story: CosmoQuest is hosting a 36 hour Hangoutathon this weekend, giving very cool live talks with scientists and science fans. They do various events like live star parties and in an hour or so, they will play KSP for the first time live! You're free to stop by and watch but donations to CosmoQuest are greatly appreciated. All funds will go towards helping scientific research which is underfunded nowadays. I went ahead and donated yesterday but I am hoping to spread the word to my fellow KSP players. I follow this team through their weekly google hangouts and they give great talks about science/astronomy/spaceflight and the latest related news. Link to current Hangout: Link to website with all the info: http://cosmoquest.org/ Enjoy!
  2. I agree that NASA needs more funding to get missions running, but they also need to change the way they acquire the hardware. Right now, major projects like the SLS are awarded based on Congressional direction. This needs to change where every project is open for proposals and awards are given based on the most qualified product/proposal. This of course would mess up the established companies working on SLS, but that's the fault of those companies for being dependent on a very narrow type of technology.
  3. Found the thread in Orbiter. "This game is like orbiter.. with TERRAIN?" Didn't take much to jump right in. Orbiter just released a Beta with terrain so I may jump back to that. Flying around a smooth Earth sphere was getting repetitive.
  4. Skylab, mostly because of the big space it had inside. You could actually fly around from one side to the other, or run around the edge. Private companies need to make another such station for space tourists.
  5. The SLS is a jobs program for former shuttle contractors to keep state constituents happy. Congress basically wrote the specs for the rocket, telling NASA they have to use certain shuttle-derived parts. Not much room for innovation there, which is NASA's job. I wouldn't mind this if there were specific missions lined out or even payloads. Right now the only confirmed payload is the Orion capsule for a couple of test missions. Just for that, NASA could have used already available commercial rockets.
  6. I probably posted this before, but this mod needs to be made stock. Of course, make it optional, but orbiting Kerbin without these clouds feels odd now. Can't wait too try out the auroras.
  7. No, simply by the fact that Earth is considered a planet and it has just as much debris flying by it (perhaps not as close).
  8. If I had no choice, I'd want to be one of the orange suits just to hope that players try really hard not to kill me.
  9. Sounds like the first step to a terraforming mod!
  10. Anyone else think it's funny they have the Apollo landing site picture as the background with a photo-shopped Earth?
  11. Base construction, rocket building, fuel processing. Learning how to use the local resources would be a big step. That kind of manufacturing could be used on Mars.
  12. I've used EVE many times to either to an inclination change and/or lower my solar orbit to something closer to Moho. Quite a bit of fuel saved there.
  13. Ground effects would be awesome, can't wait to see what is done with this
  14. Not too crazy an idea, NASA actually considered it for their Orion capsule: http://www.americaspace.com/?p=27214 To me, parachutes seem safer with fewer failure points, but maybe it's worth testing.
  15. Awesome documentary. Does anyone know if the soundtrack has been released? All I've been able to find is the YouTube videos.
  16. That's more than enough to power a DeLoean to travel through time. so quite a bit of power there.
  17. A rock of that size would have resulted from a much bigger rock that would have light up a streak across the sky. Do they mention seeing anything else in the sky?
  18. Gordon Cooper, in my opinion an underrated astronaut. Shot story: his ship suffered technical issues so he had to manually calculate and perform his reentry burn by using his wristwatch and keeping attitude by watching the stars in the window. His reentry landing was the closest to the target landing zone to any previously performed automated reentry.
  19. New test release is amazing! Huge improvement in graphics. Amazing how far this has come from the original "cloud texture" addon.
  20. Like others said, it would take a huge amount of fuel to move it to the Moon. Still, I think the idea of having a space shuttle flying around the Moon to be pretty cool. Maybe the dream chaser could be used instead?
  21. Sounds great to me. Hopefully China learned many lessons from Change 3 (specially the rover malfunctions)
  22. I'm all for this. If there are performance concerns, a slider/option should be added in the graphics menu like the rest of the graphical details.
  23. Keep up the amazing work, these clouds are awesome!
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