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Everything posted by Ethanadams

  1. Umm I thinks it's an American thing
  2. 8 letters but I will do it anyway i yell from my den safe from sadistic dictators mmkaytry
  3. Granted but now the class room is just the perfect tempututre for you to fall asleep (did you see that coming?) i wish for 200Â¥
  4. How did you know is windows x below me?
  5. Why yes it's me is Cossack below me?
  6. Yep good day is there a dman below me?
  7. Yes but destroying the drive destroyed you but since I exist outside this universe I'm fine so my destroyed universe
  8. Ethanadams


    Haha made it to 600 mass wi physiology
  9. Windows seven? I prefer 93 but Xannari just so happens to be below me
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