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Everything posted by Ethanadams

  1. 6/10 dmandman calling for you
  2. Megatiger where are you getting your images there all not showing up
  3. Banned for to much rep in a short time
  4. 6/18 seen you somewhere before
  5. 60 probably should work fine
  6. But I have a clone army so I'm fine but the user below me isnt
  7. 9/10 did you buy two 999999999€£¥$ bikes to get 4 wheels?
  8. Nope just a launch pad and a blue earth with a square for a center? mabye my computer isn't strong enough to handle this?
  9. Granted but now your morbid i wish for a pet portal turret with no bullets
  10. granted it gets old relly fast i wish for an happy face
  11. i load the game and all there is is the launch pad?
  12. Ethanadams


    what? i like splitting!!!! im also that person who hides under those green pads for pretection
  13. never look at me in photo negative you have been warned
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