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Everything posted by Ethanadams

  1. How to get away with anything
  2. First of all I'm not a boy also meet metal storm this gun is has the most rpm out of any gun now if you put this on a robot like that dog one. who is saying that this wouldn't do that much damage to anything
  3. I tip my hat to yours how about mine?
  4. I'm getting closer I have given at least 2 people there third bar
  5. I like it About an epilepsy attack from it. It's not bright enough, it's on a forum about a game with a very high epilepsy chance and it looks awesome
  6. Don't look at him in the eyes

  7. I have heard a lot recently that robots are going to takeover (thanks Marvel Age OF Ultron) how realistic is this really? Most modern robots can't even walk and the ones that do easily stumble over stuff. and the ones with wheels or treads like the military ied defuse robots would be so what dangerous but would shortly run out of battery's so how realistic is this
  8. Probably a detail for tall buildings like in real life and there's a tall building and a low flying aircraft...
  9. Split the earth open with the force removing the computer my computer
  10. 1/0 huh I know you i think you live here
  11. Granted you get nothing i wish I was Jeb and I could re spawn as he does
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