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Everything posted by Ethanadams

  1. but thats not comman noledge so wouldnt be invalid?
  2. 66 - - - Updated - - - Also most American schools hasn't started
  3. Yes it's me Ta da endermen are below me right
  4. 62 American average school times and time zones lead me to be live that that guess is correct
  5. Granted the world is now communist i wish wish for a 🙈 - - - Updated - - - Why does it not show up I downloaded it my computer
  6. 58 so your American near the eastern sea board? dont answer that
  7. I down loaded this symbol just for this 🙉 ÃŽâ€
  8. Yes it's me Professor Is that you?
  9. Granted mi6 thinks your a major league hacker and takes you out
  10. I have valitena on eeloo with about 15 other kerbals. With no anything they just stand there all day and smile
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