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Everything posted by Ethanadams

  1. Second because Ill just take some money and go to space would you rather die in hot embers or from mild acid?
  2. Banned for banning someone I've banned 3 times for the same reason
  3. People don't care as long as they have a beer an Xbox 1 a computer a phone and money
  4. 079 112 105 110 105 111 110 115 032 097 114 101 032 108 105 107 101 032 097 115 115 104 111 108 101 115 044 032 101 118 101 114 121 098 111 100 121 032 104 097 115 032 111 110 101 046
  5. 129 if you get mad carpet bomb vab
  6. Who? Άstarwhip or ÃŽâ€
  7. Cheating at forum games like you cheater
  8. Um a tree? the next none computer object u use shall be your only eating utensil ÃŽâ€
  9. 9.99E+938373920293747392937499374739 Άicbm nukes coming after you there is no hiding my destroyed universe hahaha
  10. Banned for kibble instead of Hubble ÃŽâ€
  11. 9.99E+938373920293747392937499374739 Άicbm nukes coming after you there is no hiding my half blowin up earth
  12. My chair (kill it wih Fire) the object in your right hand will now have to be used with left ÃŽâ€
  13. I just watch Jacksepticeye and don't care Άby the way an icbm is coming after the next poster
  14. -39 what triangles all I see are squares ÃŽâ€
  15. Banned for bad joke (still funny ÃŽâ€)
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