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Everything posted by Ethanadams

  1. I nuke it from orbit my crater wich I cover in cement making it a bunker with defenses with one weakness and it also exists online offline in the real world and in versions of the univers (no waking up crap)
  2. It has been proven that the earths rotation did switch at some point......
  3. The noise of hitting in the video sounds like it is edited in .
  4. DEither it's you skipped a number on the last page
  5. Well nasa got a lot more funding the object,under neath your computer is now alive kill it ÃŽâ€
  6. Banned for 78% kerbal (how did this happen)
  7. Y could play outside..................
  8. It is a comman American belief that 78% something that everything rotates around the earth "slow clap" clap clap clap
  9. I recently got several hard blows to the head and I get headaches all the time I didn't get a concussion why? ibuprofen works well
  10. Banned for crown (not Greek letter)
  11. Banned for hipicrital thinking ÃŽâ€
  12. I have made a thread proving that time is not natural but just a human measurment of the movement of the earth see time thread don't have a link sorry
  13. Well I can already do the second so the first one would you rather die and save 99999999999 unborn babys or live and have them die?
  14. Ummm if the universes is finite then what's outside? (time dosnt exist)
  15. I here'd a poll saying 55% of Americans don't know that the sun is a star sigh
  16. Banned for banning someone for saying post the n saying it yourself
  17. Why don't we have conventional planes for the public that go super sonic? I know know that there were some but they crashed but that was from desighn flaws so why don't we have them again?
  18. Ethanadams


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