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Everything posted by Ethanadams

  1. I give you platinum you alow friendship are hill
  2. I give you a 20000 karat diamond you give me the hill my hill
  3. Granted but your wish is ruined so I can't do that i wish your computer would get a BSoD
  4. I only wish for Richard Kerman to be saved (from my horrible short kraken story)
  5. I sad.y admit when I was younger 4 grade I used to believe thrust for helicopter and rockets came from pressure from the rocket or helicopter bouncing of the earth then pushing higher silly me
  6. Didn't you ask for starry soup? waiter where's my soup all you gave me was a 404 error
  7. Ethanadams


    Ten object of this game is simple make the quote bigger poster 1: poster 2: ill start
  8. Crap my note book for sciency stuff there goes my stomach (because I lwrite on it lying down) the last thing you will eat will eat you
  9. I be a n00b and wake up my bedroom (sorry don't be a hill hog )
  10. Bn need for over use of this thread
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