I think TweakScale breaks my air intakes. EDIT: just so you know, the bug does not occur if tweakscale is not installed. Modlist: EDIT: from KSP AVC KSP: 1.0.2 (Win32) - Unity: 4.6.4f1 - OS: Windows 8.1 (6.3.9600) 64bit Filter Extensions - 2.1.1 Community Resource Pack - 0.4.1 Editor Extensions - 2.7 Firespitter - 7.1.1 Fuel Tanks Plus - 0.8.2 RasterPropMonitor - 0.19.3 Kerbal Engineer Redux - KSP-AVC Plugin - 1.1.5 Pilot Assistant - 1.8 QuickRevert - 2.0 QuickSearch - 1.1.2 TAC Fuel Balancer - TweakScale - 2.1 When I try to attach air intakes, they don't show up, even though kerbal engineer tells me there's now intake air in the craft. the intake stays "picked up", and if i delete it, the intake air vanishes again. If i attempt to attach an intake via attachment nodes, the node vanishes, as if there's a part there(haven't tested if it stays with part clipping enabled, though). EDIT: I can't put the intake down, though, and there are weird side effects at times, like my controls locking up(I can't leave the SPH(not tested in the VAB), because me clicking on "save and exit" or "don't save" is ignored), and if im launch the craft, i end up focusing the sun, the craft nowhere to be found, not moving and the direction markers on the navball all in one spot).