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Everything posted by Good_Cat

  1. Cheers, i didn't think i would matter but had to check.
  2. Cheers gents, i'll wait for Duna and maybe land on Ike, next time i'll adjust my e scape stage TWR so its higher i see wait you mean about the low TWR for escaping a SOI. Not going to Moho again that crew of 7 managed to return on the sheer luck of a half decent encounter i was lucky to find. Saying that Jeb and Val weren't on that mission i found them on my Minmus Station......must have sneaked into the capsule when i wasn't looking.
  3. I've been playing KSP for 500 hours and a smidge, but never really gone outside Kerbin's SOI, too much time playing with SpaceStations and BD Armoury. I've got a ship in a 100km Orbit round Kerbin where is the easiest place to go (for someone new to going interplanetary), I've seen Moho and Dres transfers pop up regularly with KAC but Moho looks like it could be a nightmare with its inclination, high orbital speed and Dres its inclination again. I flown by Duna and Ike with probes and a manned fly-by of Moho that almost turned into a total disaster, Kerbin return, with a whole 91ms dv left and and had to use RCS in the other side of the solar system to tweak the encounter which was pure luck until i had an impact trajectory then use RCS again to burn radial at Kerbin SOI until the PE was 30k. Since I've mostly played in Kerbin's SOI I've never really used Nuke's either. Oh and does the TWR matter in vacuum does a TWR of below 1 use more dv from the potential in the tank than is actually given in velocity Screenshot (Using Procedural Tanks and VenStoackReVamp and Tweakscale) Staging got a little screwed up and my nukes got activated the same time as the poodle at the rear. Rough DV is Stage 5 Poodle 1270ms, Stage 4 Centre Nuke + 4 Outer Nukes(tweakscaled) 4890 with Fuel lines leading to the centre stage, Stage 3 Centre Nuke 3279ms Stage 2 is the Lander separated from the Nuke Probe with 2026ms Nuke Probe is fitted with a Probe Core and Docking Port so the Lander can re-dock.
  4. ^^^ Yup thats the one, it also appears to have screwed with some fuel tank adapters and the Mk.1 Liquid Fuel tank size, that tanks are now a smaller size dia and length but the connection nodes are still the same so connecting two nodes leaves a massive gap. I do like the look of the new models though.
  5. Got it something had changed the Squad folder in Gamedata, downloaded a fresh copy of KSP and replced the one in my modded copy. I'll try to figure which mod did it
  6. Before i start pulling my gamadata folder apart my game was already modded, just installed a few more , done a few more sat missions, built a transfer stage for another mission and the Poodle now has 56kn of thrust in vac, can anyone ID the mod so i can scrap it 56kn of thrust in vac makes the engine entirely useless.
  7. This would work for a i trying to create but it would need multiple tweaked tanks, was thinkng more about building the tank you want the way the stock procedural fairing work, select your base size then use the mouse to design your tank length and size using one part.
  8. Just posted a thread in Addon affairs http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/120632-Procedural-Structural-and-Fuel-Tanks I've no idea how difficult modding is or how complicated procedural parts are but any comments on this, could a procedural structural/fuel tank be useful. Build it exactly like the stock procedural fairings but it would be interstage or a tailsection. Is this even feasible.
  9. Procedural Structural and Fuel Tanks. We have Procedural Fairing and Wings, the structural / fuel tank would be a bit like the B9 Procedural Interstage Fairing but created like the stock Procedural Fairings. Perhaps have fixed or preset starting base widths 1.25, 2.5 ..... and fixed max lengths. example Start with a 2.5m base build a normal looking tank with a notch in the centre with a width of 2m long and deep enough to put Mystery Goo Canisters / Basic Solar Panels / Batteries.....so they don't stick out on rocket designs. Another use would be on aircraft so you could sculpt an aircraft fuselage adjusting its cross section. These could either be assigned to be a structural part or hold LFO, Liquid Fuel or Mono based on volume. Ideas?????.... Comments on how this would work possibly or not.
  10. Been waiting on this for a while so download tonight, install tomorrow so i can spend my night shift in work doing something constructive.... like finishing my Panavia Tornado replica(ish). How far do people go with these sort of concepts, i mean I've toyed with things like calculating mach cone angles and ensuring my wingspan is within them and area ruling (now that i know what i was doing is called) , does anyone go further with their designs and what else.
  11. I have a random question. Looking at some aircraft high speed aircraft i see the body tapers and gets narrower as the wing span increases and then increases as the section of wing joins the body, i know this is to smooth some effect out ( the aircraft body / wing surface area for a side on cross section increases gradually until the aircraft fuselage is narrowest as the wing wingspan is at its greatest then both decrease towards the tail. I used to know what this was and why and now i'm bashing my head against a wall trying to remember. Can anyone tell me what this is. Here is an example aircraft Dassault Mirage
  12. Downloaded and rep'd. Always a fan of anything with SR-71's in them Can i make a request for the Panavia Tornado GR4 (its a variable geometry wing but skip that leave it fixed for simplicity). I've built one, its close but can't get it quite right.
  13. Multiple crewed flying rover kerbal bombs dropped via bomber. Kerbals now classified as payload.
  14. Contract Mission to launch a Space Station around Kerbin, with standard stuff + Research Lab and 4000 units of fuel. Looking through the SpaceStation thread gave me loads of ideas, which wasn't a good idea as my station build cost went wild as the build became ridiculous. looks awesome though. Lots of KIS struts and a pointlessly over engineered Solar Array thanks to Infernal Robotics, oh and Escape Capsules for 3. Floating in the darkness the KOSS All lit up. Deploying the Solar Array Took so long to engineer Escape Pods tucked away with more infernal robotics to deploy them and tweakscale
  15. That's a cool little round "Mk1 lander can ??"
  16. Landed in the URRE with plenty of deltaV to refuel, not enough deltaV total in the lander from the start but successfully rescued and returned....just. Fuel tank of a Zippo Lighter.
  17. No docking port........transfer fuel via claw didn't know that good save magnemoe and Grumman. After a successful science probe into Duna i fail on the moon lol.
  18. I have a lander on the moon for Tourist Contracts and to train skill up some crew but i used way too much fuel during landing or didn't take enough. There's a lot of kerbals in the lander, now short of taking up more landers with large crew capacity any other ideas?
  19. KER as Mat2ch suggested is immeasurably helpful. With the dV per stage, you can build much easier and more effectively. You can effectively build a launch stage to get you into (space)your transfer window or orbit, then your transfer stage to get you there and maybe into an orbit and finally a lander / return stage. Gives you TWR trust to weight ratio of each stage also very handy after all you might not need t hat big heavy engine you might be able to go for a more fuel efficient one. KER is a must have.
  20. My MoonSpider for bouncing my Rover round the moon. Has a Kethane drill and converter on board also. Some adjustable rails adjust the body height to lower the drill and to pick the rover. My moon is is a work in progress and problems and repair and frustration and LAG. Decoupled the wheels and legs off the central hub now its to low to dock the joining sections and the wheels are wrecked on my processing lab. Everything going to plan.
  21. Ditto ^^^ That just a batch file you have set to run at log off ?
  22. Yeah that's mod is fun made a Space Station from HX parts and took bits up 3000tonnes at a time 8 Goalkeepers 4 Abrams turrets and 20 Airborne Lasers. Looked badass but was amazing useless a pain to build and a nightmare trying to dock.
  23. So probes for Eve and Gilly and Kerbal landings maybe/? for Duna and Ike unless i crash into Eve or Giily on the way to Duna and Ike. Thank you
  24. OK where to begin. I'm relatively new to KSP only played 0.90 but managed to plough a lot of hours into it already, in well planned badly executed mun landings, plenty of fail planes and International Space Station 5fps (the ISS 5fps ) I gone through the careers upto a stage and restarted a few times usually because i've installed a few mods and wanted to start again fresh through the tech tree. At the minute i've got Intersteller along with FAR, kethane, KW Rocketry, Infernal Robotics and a few more tweaks - can't get B9 to work crashes at the menu, it is either B9 or Better Atmospheres. So far this career i've got my Mun base the start of a Space Station but i've realised i've never gone further out than Minmus minus a few probes ( and they weren't intentional, didn't realise at some point one of these mods changed the fact the engines no longer produce electrickery and promptly ran out without enough power to even open the solar panels, i really need to remember to open then once i reach a space like altitude). My Q is where do i go next out of the planets available. P.S. OMG i hate Rotomax decouplers, an additional HOME3 habitat and 1Man return pod punched in orbit to add to my HOME3 habitat already on the Mun. Contract said wheels i thought bonus i can land it wheel it into position and dock the two together and blow the wheels off as they are mounted on radial decouplers. So i Retograde onto landing vector and suicide burn most of the dV needed for landed and decoupled the transfer stage from the bottom of the habitat module and a soft 500m landing from existing base - Sweet. Power up the wheel motors and.......... FAIL that Rotomax decoupler that dumped the transfer stage was the wrong way round its attached to the base Habitat module so my wheels are spinning uselessly in the air, i'm going no where. The silver lining at least this time i managed to open the solar panels so i didn't run out of electric on the way to the mun and blow past the orbit interception burn like attempt 1 - i'm now 2 for 2 in failed attempts on this one contract and minus 400k odd. Hate you Rotomax. Edit Bolded the Q, in amongst the spam and failure.
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