I don't use KAS and no ship was planned to return home now, so I didn't try lextacy's method. That first method "Super quick and dirty instructions" worked for the Sr. docking ports between engine and cmd section, I could now undock and re-dock a couple of times there. For the other pair that method didn't work and I have some problems with the further method from that thread "In-depth Instructions" in short or long version. There's the point of getting the part number, where I get confused. I identified the pair of docking ports by renaming instead of disabling crossfeed and they read like this (left out the brackets and capitals): portName = kaputt-Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port uid = 705835744 parent = 0 attN = None, -1 attN = bottom, 0 state = Docked (same vessel) dockUId = 2730936619 portName = kaputt-Clamp-O-Tron Shielded Docking Port uid = 2730936619 parent = 46 srfN = None, -1 attN = bottom, 46 state = Docked (dockee) dockUId = 705835744 I know understand the relationship between the pairwise uid and dockUId and this looks ok, where I could identify both ports by that uid vs. dockUId and also by the changed name. I also see that the unshielded port is the (same vessel) port, what fits to it being on the stations cmd and the shielded one being on the lander and thereby the (dockee). Also that fits to the way I've built them, both were connected on top of the root part during the building process, which was the 3-kerbal cmd in both cases. So the parent in both cases is attN at the bottom, where the unshielded one's parent is in fact the root part of the whole station, which should be number 0. So far I understand. But both were built top-down and then connected at each one's top side. Each port is only attached to it's vessel by that "attN = bottom, x" relationship, nothing else is connected to these docking ports besides that docking-link, that for now only struts but doesn't want do undock or decouple. So what would be the part number that I could use on both sides to be "attN = top" and to transform that link into a "state = PreAttached"?