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Posts posted by VenomousRequiem

  1. Very nice, Beale! Once again!

    And while Niemand is off publicizing my failures, I want to say that at least it was a pretty looking shuttle!

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    And trust me, the shuttle is good, but you don't want the launcher. :P

    Also, yes, Niemand and I have played for at least a couple hours a day for the past bit. DMP for 1.0 is a lot more stable than I expected. But I'm not complaining!

  2. I think you should add the launch clams anyway! It'd be useful for everyone, even though you can't particularly get it just right!

    - - - Updated - - -

    I actually just now took the time to go back and look at the pictures of the launch clamps and those are just beautiful. Seeing as we have the new effects with the flame trench in 1.0, we should stay on the pad longer to truly enjoy the new effects, and those clamps would make that so much easier to look at!

  3. Due to a fracas that occurred several months a go the creator of this thread was told he was reluctantly suspended for a few months, from the powers that be. In lieu of returning he has decided to maintain his mods through third party intermediaries and has mused about the potential of creating his own website strictly for the maintainence and distribution of his mods and the mods he takes care of. Now we have not heard from him in quite some time and have no official statement of his status because he has vowed never to return to these forums. So I say that we should stand resolute and hopeful that these mods carry on into the next era of KSP, however if they are to die allow them to die with grace and be reborn anew through the next generation of KSP players.

    Jesus, dude, I just asked if it was dead, not for something sounding from a Shakespeare play...

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