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Posts posted by VenomousRequiem

  1. I'd urge you to give modelling a try, if you have the inclination! It's not so hard.

    But, yeah, modelling LES is not difficult at all, it's probably a part I will put together very quickly, it just needs to squeeze its way onto the schedule of production.

    Well I have tried! Honestly I looked at your tutorial and did that step by step! I admire your works greatly so I figured I'd take a look at it. But thank you for taking my suggestions into consideration! The fins probably won't make too much of a difference but it just urked me that they weren't in. And as for the LES stuff one for the Soyuz LOK and one of the TKS would be nice! Last time I checked the TKS escape tower is literally just a big cilinder so that probably won't be TOO hard. And I was going to ask if you could make the Gemini LES as well but I just learned today that Gemini had ejector seats, not an escape tower. :P

  2. How does the stock LES look?

    Though I do appreciate the current lack of LES variety is not ideal, for all craft.

    Well the stock LES looks kinda bad with all of it too. Just from a stand point of historical accuracy, you know? I'm pretty sure it's exactly like the Apollo tower, so it looks off with all of the Soviet spacecraft and whatnot. I have no idea how hard modeling is because I've never done it before, but you're doing a great job so far so I figured I should put in a request or something for the launch abort towers and such.

  3. Another thing you should make, and don't get me wrong, this is my favourite mod I've ever played with, but I just like suggesting things. You could make the LES for the Soyuz LOK and the TKS and and all of the other things that have an LES. I play with DangIt and Entropy and stuff so having an LES is a good idea. Honestly I don't remember if Gemini had an escape tower though.

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