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    Bottle Rocketeer
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  1. I like using the Quartix tech tree with KerbalismDefault, but the early experiments pull more than the 10 EC the early probes have. So here's a trivial patch to move the Z-100 to start, if anyone else finds it useful (GameData/battery.cfg for me): @PART[batteryPack]:FINAL { @TechRequired = start }
  2. IIRC, more antennas only increases range, so if you don't have any falloff, it won't help. I could be misremembering though.
  3. Multiple copies of the same experiment on different craft will indeed work in parallel and stop once 100% of the data has been collected between all craft. It can be an expensive way to speed things up, though. I'd do some quicker science and get a bigger antenna.
  4. Are the other craft that work fine using different engines? What's the simplest test case you can create that narrows down the difference?
  5. Do you have it set to dump its outputs? Eg, if it's not set to dump O2, it will stop running if your O2 is full.
  6. Just WMCC and the dependencies: BepInEx Patch Manager Premonition for Spacewarp Spacewarp UITK for KSP 2 WMCC WMCC Modules
  7. Weird, it works for me. Anyway it just shows the same parts list as you start with in WMCC, plus the small methalox tank and small engine; nothing else unlocked. Any idea what's broken?
  8. Ok, thanks. Got 1.34.4 installed and it let me install WMCC and dependencies. However, now I am confused; I started a new save, did the sounding rocket mission, unlocked a bunch of tech tree nodes - and got zero parts. Tech tree: https://i.imgur.com/yT3uCx5.png VAB parts list: https://i.imgur.com/PzEkkp9.png Also, the Early Electronics node has a dependency on Rapid Planned Disassembly, which I don't see anywhere; is that related or a known issue? I'm running KSP2 via wine-bottles, with winhttp overridden as the BepInEx docs say. Thanks.
  9. v1.33.2, but the index is updated. 1.34 isn't packaged for NixOS 23.11 yet. Does v1.34 work? I can try installing v1.34.4 from nixos-unstable when I get home.
  10. CKAN and this thread have 0.0.3, github has 0.0.4; also CKAN can't install WMCC because the Modules dependency is "not indexed". What's the recommended version and install method? Thanks!
  11. Can you post a screenshot of your vessel? In what way is it not functioning? Refusing to load Kerbalism? Loading the default profile? Loading a null profile?
  12. This may do some of what you want, though you need to deliver the exact package you want to copy later, you can't swap in items.
  13. When Everyday Astronaut was playing, the lag ended the moment he staged away his boosters. This is the exact behavior we see now with KSP1 being single thread CPU limited. The GPU would be doing the same or more work rendering the same parts; but the CPU's main physics thread suddenly offloaded 8 boosters to their own threads.
  14. It would still be helpful to see the maximum total speed at 0 distance, even without range penalties.
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