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  1. MaelinsMaster, I totally mean what I said in the forum under Phase 1.  You totally changed the game for me. I almost gave up.  Thank you!

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    1. MerlinsMaster


      Thanks, man!  That really means a lot!

  2. Dear wonderful Kerbonauts who bring us KSP. These tutorials need to be elevated for everyone to see. After three very frustrating (on and off) years of playing KSP and giving up many times I found something that I can follow and keep me engaged. This is excellent work and highly recommended (mandatory?) for anyone new to the game. MerlinsMaster should be commended with his own character. Seriously, Charles
  3. Eureka!! Kerbonaut 4x4Cheesecake solved the problem: http://charlesdarwall.com/ksp2.html this should be added to the KSPTOT instructions! Thanks All!!
  4. Hi Harry, to put this in context I'm trying to learn to use KSPTOT. It wants me to do the following (link below). I can get to the 58 days but not the 13 hours. http://charlesdarwall.com/ksp1.html
  5. posted my clock issue as a published video. thanks

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  6. This video (virus free) shows how the UT clock flips to the next hour after only six minutes. Why is this? Thanks Charles
  7. Greetings Kerbonauts, I just installed KSPTOT and MecJeb and operating a new mission in Sandbox. When I warp on the launchpad the clock flips to the next day at the 6 minute. Not 60 minutes - 6 minutes. Any ideas? I have KSP 2089 Latest version: 2110 Thanks!! Charles
  8. Hi guys, Aspies, i need your help please! 1. Aspies are game changers - they're likely going to be the saviors of the human race and our planet. I'm NT with an Aspie son. Enjoy the ride and surround yourself with people who can enjoy it with you. 2. Minecraft is little more than a gateway game to the likes of KSP. No slam against Minecraft but the apoapsis of the game is 12 year old. 3. I need some help here from you Aspies out there. My 13 year old son is addicted to Minecraft PVP but is beginning to get bored with it. This angers him because he needs to fill the void with something. It needs to be another game. This is where KSP comes in. All he does when I show him the game is want to time warp and crash. He's definitely ADD about it without the hyperfocusing, so he's not getting the finer challenges of the game. And I don't see him getting into stuff like creating perfect Delta-V's. So, here are my questions: - How old were you when you transitioned from Minecraft to KPS. Am I starting too young at 13 (I think the answer is yes). - How do you teach KSP so it's not to be overwhelming or boring. - What activities do YOU like doing on KSP? Building an ISS? Science? Career? Flying the planes? Thanks!
  9. Thanks all! Navy fish is a huge help. I did get it to dock. But..... I tried another rendezvous and it wouldn't stick: Note how SRS is off. See below
  10. Hi there, how come docking doesn't always "mate"? The magnet does not work. I'm working on a space station trying to attach using standard Clamp-o-tron. Like, wassup with that? I selected Control From Here on the docking clamp. The Target is set. I'm using a smoking new Lenovo Y50-70 Thanks
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