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  1. great to know i'll stop bothering you and let you back to work thanks for answering my question.
  2. so uh this mod is still gonna update to something working eventually right?
  3. So just out of curiosity this is gonna get updated so it works without constellation right? I'm only curious because Constellation has WAY more stuff than I want. (heck I usually pull the reactors and Kontainers folders out because I don't want them) So is it going to work on it's own again or am I going to need to aggressively prune constellation instead?
  4. You mentioned you wanted some ideas for the mod. I have an idea for much later in development, what about extra planetary cities? Like domed cities for example.
  5. *cough* *cough* *Now i need to make The Martian rover from the film* *cough* *cough*
  6. Are there any plans for an HL sized Cockpit or Bridge?
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