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Everything posted by Ciaran

  1. I hope somebody either makes something similar to this or updates/picks up where it left off.
  2. Wait.. They still work?! I better download them, Bavarian tubes look awesome in base
  3. KSP has just updated, But that won't stop me from modding it to hell again.. Going to be downloading this again to check out the airlock and make some stations. EDIT: Oh and one last thing, Thanks for atleast replying to my comment, It makes me happy when a developer or mod maker takes somekind of feedback at all.
  4. Those IVA's look awesome, I'm going to give this a try. It won't fit in.. but whatever.
  5. What would you expect when most of these are from a country that created a space station that kinda looked like a carrot, and ironically if you stretched it, the russian spelling of its name looks like "Carrot"
  6. What lead me to think of that is, You haven't updated about them in quite awhile.
  7. For some reason i can't find it, But i will try and describe it, Basically it was changing the pod doors, Adding something vaguely like warning stripes on the sides. - - - Updated - - - I found an image of it, Look at the exit of the soyuz return capsule.
  8. I love Tantares, Contares is great, And Q Orbital systems too. This is a realistic replica of a soyuz (the best i could make.)
  9. One day, We will be blessed with this glorious mod, But until then we will wait patiently, Playing some KSP to pass the time.
  10. Alright, I'll detail my problems, I can't find any PSD hamal textures, And paint.net can't properly convert DDS to PSD, and the only PSD files available from the texture repo are different than the real textures used.
  11. Hmm, Wouldn't expect paint.net to be a critical part of the process. But anyway, Thanks and i'll stop being any kind of annoyance, Atleast until i have another problem i can't fix or find a fix for. - - - Updated - - - Oh, And by the way. The alternate textures are missing from the texture repo, Are they meant to not be there?
  12. I think i'll just figure all this stuff out later, All i need is an image converter but i can't find a working one.
  13. Gimp can't use PSD files EDIT: Actually, I'll check more thoroughly. Update: AHA! it worked! Another Update: So, what about getting the colors from the alternates? EDIT: You know what? I'll stop pestering you and attempt to figure it out on my own.
  14. Thank you, I'll Probably include an edit saying it works or doesn't and a screenshot of what i've managed to create. Hmm, Do you reccomend any software capable of viewing or converting images? I can't view the .psd files. EDIT : Okay, This either isn't for me, Or i did something wrong, I got a plugin for GIMP to open DDS files, opened one, and i got a checkered overlay over the image, making it virtually impossible to change at all.
  15. Well, I mean the alternate green textures. Some of the soyuz parts don't mix well with them, such as the progress parts, and the shanzhou orbital module. and what i'm requesting is any kind of solution to that problem, Preferebly matching textures. But, Like i said. i just want any kind of solution to my little problem/annoyance
  16. Hmm, Well, I guess that explains why i forgot it Anyway, I have one little thing i'd like, Because it bugs the hell out of me, The soyuz part retexture basically renders certain parts useless, Because the colour contrast doesn't work, So my request is, Either a small tutorial on if i can have two different soyuz parts at once, Or, Maybe you could put together a couple green textures for the shenzhou and such, This may be asking too much, But i won't be upset or anything if you won't do it.
  17. In reply to Beale, By legacy release, i mean the updates that changed things, Like the old specter cockpit, I don't remember how it looked, but i know i liked it, Or stuff like this Really, What i'm requesting is that you update some of the old versions of the mod where things were changed, or removed, Hopefully that isn't too big of a request, And one last thing, Keep in mind i'm not demanding this, And i'm trying my best to not make too big of a request
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