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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Hello folks! If there is anyone looking for references or launch engine sounds, JAXA just released a video featuring their rockets launch sound at a 3km distance from the launchpad, clean sounds that could be of use probably? Part of interest starts at 7:30, note that this video can get loud so watch out if you have headphones!
  2. +1 to this. It can get pretty time consuming to readjust everything for each launch, and it is the main reason why I've been keeping this mod unused for a while It is sad as I look at its icon tempted to open it but get discouraged by the default settings, yet I like this mod too much to uninstall it, always hoping on an update haha
  3. Thanks for the great mod! Found the Starfox 64 arwing damage FX sounds and it blends fantastic!
  4. Stumbled on it by accident a bit later after reading this thread, a nice coincidence haha. Even if I'd only aim to get information on solar panels/arrays I'd stay for the whole thing, absolutely recommended! (Nice ideas to use infernal robotics while looking at the moving parts as well, though that is another thread )
  5. First, Thanks for the fantastic mod =D Now, into the conversation, I'd say solar panels that reflect the environment objects are actually pretty legit judging from this video (@46m46s):
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