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Posts posted by Zeroignite

  1. will it put any virus's on my computer? cause earlier this week i had like 125 of something on my computer that was making anything that involves the internet not work, and it took like an entire day to fix it
    The source code is included if you want to check it out yourself. With the number of people who have downloaded this, if there was anything malicious I'm fairly certain we'd know by now.
  2. Folks, read the thread title. This is about manually editing your quicksave.sfs or persistence.sfs file.

    As for me, I've done it twice. The first was to resurrect Bill and Samfred Kerman, after being forced to terminate a rover where they were just stuck ragdolled and bugged in the seats without any control. The second time was to update the resource information of a mod part when a mod update didn't refresh properties of already-flying parts.

  3. Munar infrastructure!

    I bootstrapped an extraplanetary launchpads/kethane base on the Mun using only two launches. The first base I built was on Minmus (due to miniscule dV required to escape Kerbin), but this was a methodology practice for an upcoming Duna colonization.


  4. I'd say about 80k is the lowest I'd risk. Otherwise, you chance having landers slam into it on the way down, or suborbital hops smacking into it, or it plowing into debris, probes, passing slingshot attempts, and the like.

    A lower orbit means it has more chance of being in any given point of that orbit at any given time, and more speed when it's there.

    Space is bigger than that.
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