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Everything posted by Thnd3r

  1. Thnd3r


    If you play ANY other games than KSP I would recommend the graphics card upgrade. It's definitely the low point in your system. I haven't been around long enough to know of it's effect/affect? on KSP though. Edit: Balance in a computer is everything. With you having a current gen CPU it doesn't make sense to upgrade to another current gen cpu that is faster. Your graphics card is quite a few generations behind. I think regardless of what games you play that should be your first stop.
  2. Let's put it this way (I know I'm a noob, but still...) KSP doesn't tell you how much dV it takes to get anywhere. Just because it may tell you in the VAB or in mission shouldn't technically matter since you'll still have to go and look up how much dV it's going to take to go somewhere. For the people that have been playing forever you already know it takes x dV to go to y, but for new players they would have no clue without consulting the wiki or some other resource. With the potential changes coming to the engineer's report in the VAB I'm hoping there's a mention of "your vessel will reach orbit" and let you know the dV, but it should be limited to difficulty levels. As difficulty increases you get less info. Easy - All info, dV, will it reach space, will it orbit... Medium - dV info only.... Hard - no info. We need to remember this is a game at its core and in order to attract players it will need be be accessible to a wide range of people. Let the flame war begin! Edit: I also like the idea of this info being tied to building upgrades.
  3. Mmmmmmmaple bacon just an FYI though, the maple bacon donut doesn't live up to the hype.
  4. We're definitely pretty happy. One thing that's definitely true out of all the stereotypes I've heard is that we do apologize a lot. Sorry, I hope that helps answer your question... Thanks for the Welcome!
  5. I was not thinking clearly when I accepted a contract to make a Class D asteroid extrasolar in my Career Mode. After 8 hours attempting to make it work I turned on infinite fuel . Now I have like 5 Million funds so it feels like I'm playing Sandbox mode.
  6. Hey all, I've been lurking on this forum everyday since I bought KSP on the Holiday Steam sale. It has completely taken over my life at this point LOL. I just want to say that I'm really enjoying the game. I haven't modded it at all at this point and my experience has been mostly bug free, although the Kraken has taken 2 of my ships.... I look forward to being an active community member and getting to know you all. Thnd3r
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