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Everything posted by RobertJPowell

  1. Wernher: What's that, science from the Mun you say chaps? But we don't have a communications network. Jeb: No worries lads, I have a brilliant idea! *pulls out blue prints* Had the KEES missions to do as well so thought why the hell not. - This crazy thing actually worked as I intended - guess there is a first for everything (The primary launch stage Liquid Fuel Boosters came in at just under 110 tons and reached 26KM before depleting allowing the SRB second stage to shoot for orbital velocity. The third stage powered by an LVt-30 circularized, completed the transfer burn and aided in the Munar orbital stabilization burn. All told, i got back with 200 dv's in the tank in in hindsight should have burned for a safe touchdown but oh well.) I love how creative this mod is forcing me to get Never occurred to me before to use girders and landing gear for a lander
  2. Can not thank you enough for this mod Yemo. just thought I'd leave you a little gift of KVV images of what my SETI start has been like. One thing I love about your balance passes and my game settings is that I can experiment with higher DV requirements but smoother/more realistic gravity turns without the use of NEAR or FAR For instance, the RS-II-HECS-III started it's gravity turn at approximately 2KM and after achieving orbit still had enough fuel to de-orbit itself above Kerbin's rather large desert I'll be keeping my eye on this as you progress Edit: Wanted to change this album to just the first probe of the SETI game. Offset allows us as designers to do all sorts of funky things such as putting batteries and science equipment inside the probe core and then sealing the core inside fuselage for a more aerodynamic shape.
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