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Everything posted by T.A.P.O.R.

  1. Yeah... I tried practicing (planes, not rockets) with NEAR, but it was not pretty. If I managed to take off, I'd flip over within about a minute of making it off the ground. I think I'll wait until 1.0, as no doubt the mechanics will be a bit different to the current aerodynamics mods. As for my style of rocket building, they're usually of the vertical variety. My poor old compute doesn't like vehicles with more than 350 parts, stuttering & overheating.
  2. This I would like to have known quite a long time ago. Thankyou!
  3. One of the other reasons I took so long to join, it that there was always the answer to a question that I had, without having to ask it first!
  4. Less deadly than everyone thinks. Sometimes the weather is nice.
  5. Thanks guys, I eagerly (but not too eagerly, as I know you have things to do) await your response. My project initially started out as a physical keyboard hack, but came undone when I accidentally ripped the trace off the USB board. Then I found a cheap Arduino Uno & this thread Added A Gif of my display troubles. This is what happens with AmeliaEatyaheart's in the Void Loop after loading the sketch or pressing the reset switch. When I place the same code in Void Setup, the Numbers are Static eg: A 0.000 I did get the Altimeter working with a regular 16*2 LCD panel, but this has me scratching my head.
  6. I too have the LT E3D Pro. The low cost, plus the good rep it had for KSP made it attractive. Also being smaller than other models with a separate thrust module, made the unauthorized purchase go undetected in my office for several months. I have noticed that I need to increase the dead zone on the L/R axis as my hand resting on the control makes it drift to the right if I'm not paying attention. The throttle control looks a bit small, but works surprisingly well. But being an incurable tinkerer, I'll probably mod it at some point. P.S. I didn't realise that the hat switch was 8 way until I read it in this thread.
  7. Joined because I saw this thread and needed some help with my hardware altimeter. All the threads I've seen over the last 9 months paint a picture of a nice community. I just wish I'd not found KSP until after I'd finished my accounting course!
  8. Hi all, Another Melbournian here. Joined up for some KSP/Arduino help, but have been lurking since I picked up the demo back in March (made purchase a day later) and have been consumed by KSP almost daily since then.
  9. Hi Everyone, A big thanks to zitronen for developing the demo code & plugin as well as thanks to everyone else who has posted in this thread. It has been most helpful and has answered all of my questions up to now. Ordinarily I'd just keep at it, but I have other things that demand my attention (family/education) and I want to get this working so that I can move on to the fun stuff So far I managed to get all the basics going, the 3 basic lights and some switches. That much I understand, but I'm stuck on the MAX7219 8 Digit 7 Segment Display code. I added the library & defined my pins at the beginning of the KSPIODemo10 tab. Not sure if that's the place to do it, but I'm a total novice with this stuff & seems to work. [INDENT]#include <LedControl.h>[/INDENT] #define LEDClkPin 11 #define LEDChipSel 10 #define LEDDatain 12 LedControl lc=LedControl(LEDDatain,LEDClkPin,LEDChipSel,2);//1==num of 8x8pixel arrays in line. can be up to 8. My guess is that I need to disable some other functions that want to use pins 10, 11 & 12 But when I added // to skip the existing lines the sketch threw up errors on another tab. I used the following Void Loop() code as Mulbin seemed to have some luck with it after correcting a wiring error: I also included the "LedControlFunctions" tab from AmeliaEatyaheart's sketch and it sort of works, displaying 0000 on the right hand side and seems to handshake with the plugin, but the numbers don't change. Do I need to add another bit of code to the void setup(), or am I in for some editing to get the pins to do what I want? Sorry if I'm missing something obvious, but my only code experience is VB Script in Excel.
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