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Everything posted by Kosmonaut

  1. 7/10 not as good as an M4A1 or Colt Canada C7 Anyways...
  2. I push you off my hill, too Still my hill
  3. Granted. You gain all the time you want, but the game is stuck updating for the entire night I wish for a faster computer
  4. Granted. You gain a cyborg chicken. However, unbeknownst to you, it is a borg chicken, and it assimilates you I wish for a nice bowl of cereal
  5. 8/10 no clue who that is, but living weapons are always fun
  6. I personally don't think I'm old enough yet, and I'm not sure what my girlfriend thinks of that whole idea, however, that is one of the best roasts I have heard in my life. Thank you. @WinkAllKerb'' Granted, i n t e r n e t - + * / per s o m e t h i n g happens, whatever that is
  7. I retcon this entire continuity, and claim the first hill my hill
  8. OK... calm down. I unlock my secret time lord potential and regenerate. I then shoot you 37 times in the chest and take your hill. My hill.
  9. Don't worry. I've got a six year old Toshiba, I can guarantee that yours is better than mine. Any mods you would like or not want?
  10. Granted. You get the Eastern Bloc instead. You are now in charge of the soviet union and all of it's "allies" and everyone is glamouring for your job, willing do do anything to get it. Including murder. I wish I was the fastest person in the world
  11. 2/10 booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg
  12. I sit on your hill My hill
  13. Banned for also not being selected as a moderator
  14. Granted. Every waking moment of your life, everyone around you is making corruptible wishes I wish that I could remember to make corruptible wishes
  15. @Paaaad I have no idea who you are but this is pretty funny
  16. Granted. You become a Chibi. Except you are always a Chibi, on the most successful show ever, in all of the universes and worldlines, and you are never allowed to stop.
  17. Banned for OVERESTIMATING the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog. Ne
  18. Sorry, I noticed in Rogue One (Very tiny mini-spoiler ahead) that the Empire was mining Kaiburr/Kyber Crystals for the Death Star. Does that mean that the death star functions like a giant lightsaber? If so, couldn't some rebel in a space suit pop in with a lightsaber and stop the whole thing?
  19. Banned for being banned for banning
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