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Everything posted by Kosmonaut

  1. Hug to @StupidAndy for being on my side in the number war, and for being agreeable on every thread I see you on (Which is most of my threads). Thanks! And hug to @ZentroCatson because although I have never met you or seen you in my life, I love your signature.
  2. Stanley, overwhelmed by exhaustion, decides to lay down and go to sleep
  3. No I actually know a decent amount of french Also, -76 +
  4. And I am currently dead, so I can't do anything Your duna
  5. -78 + I OBJECT TO YOUR RULES! TON MAMA EST GORDO! Bonjour. Je m'appelle Kosmonaut. J'ai quatorze ans, et j'habite dans Toronto, au Canada. J'aime les sciences et les mathematiques, et j'aime jouer les jeux video.
  6. I take hairspray and fill your room with it. The bitter taste kills you outright. I then cut you open (Because people seem to like doing that to other people) and fill your intestines with hairspray, and I fill your lungs with hairspray, and I fill your stomach and your veins with hairspray. Oh, and I also take your silo (and nukes) and launch them at all the major fault lines on the planet, triggering a cataclysmic worldwide super-earthquake, rendering every structure ever created into dust. I create a rip in spacetime and bring all of the gasoline, kerosene, and butane ever formed into my possession, and I burn said dust. The planet is now a molten slag, and I perish laughing, standing among the broken bodies and ruined buildings that used to dominate this massive world. Nobodies hills
  7. This thread is on an exponential climb in creativity.. although one request- please don't make the aliens too cliche.
  8. https://www.amazon.ca/Doctor-Who-Complete-Fourth-Season/dp/B00ANDDBBE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1480270124&sr=8-1&keywords=doctor+who+season+4
  9. Granted. I wish that I had control of the hype train
  10. Why yes! It is a cool day, and your soup has functioned as a most lovely hot tub Waiter! There's a chrononaut in my soup! EDIT: Chrononaut is a fancy way of saying time travelller
  11. Bread? What bread? All of the grain on earth went extinct YEARS ago! I wish to go to Duna (And return, and be famous for it)
  12. Yes, well, robots can't eat soup Waiter, there is a rip in the space-time continuum in my soup!
  13. 0/10 you provided no proof otherwise, so I name you ROBOT I feel pain
  14. Banned for being an American Pilot. Everyone knows that the true heroes of the war on the airborne front were the Canadians (and the russians, a bit)
  15. That tank is so cool... I love the look of the carbon fiber as it sticks with the theme of the pack so far, but those triangles are SOOOOOO gorgeous. Wow.
  16. 2/10 A proper robot has fingers I read Jaden Smith's tweets. Anyone stupid enough to do that must be human, as humans are inherently inferior- I mean unintelligent.
  17. Granted. However, you get addicted to roblox, and as if that wasn't bad enough, it is the only game you play and you remove KSP from your steam library. Two days later, squad deletes KSP to work on something else, and you can never get it back, even when you grow bored of Roblox and miss KSP. I wish I had better art skills.
  18. I would like to say that Toronto is nowhere near the North Pole, it's a joke because it's in Canada. Toronto is nearer to places like Buffalo or Detroit (Not really, but it's close to Michigan, and Detroit is the only city I know in Michigan). It's right on Lake Ontario. 8/10 Still happy birthday?
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