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Posts posted by KerBlammo

  1. It took me a while before I screwed up enough courage to even try a Mun landing.  The first two three were "successful" in that the crew survived.  The first one where the lander was capable of taking off again resulted in the return capsule in an elliptical orbit around kerbin that just grazed the atmosphere.  It took at least 2 dozen orbits before it finally de-orbited.  It never occurred to ,e at that point to use RCS to hurry things along/

  2. Botched a Mun landing.  The initial burn resulted in a lower than planned Pe, and I was distracted and started the landing burn late.  I was the side of a mountain rushing up at me and thought that this was not going to end at all well.  Kept burning and actually came to a stop about 2 meters off the surface at which point I just cut the engine for an almost perfect landing.

  3. 1 hour ago, suicidejunkie said:

    Better question: Why aren't you using 64bit already?

    It doesn't cost you a dime to upgrade your OS.

    Some people might want to change their OS just for the sake of playing KSP.  For most its not a realistic option.  

    Personally I am OS-agnostic, I use different OSs on different machines depending one what I use them for, I don't see the OS as a life-style choice or a badge of honor, just a tool to let me do things I need or want to do.  Right now, on the computer I play KSP on Windows is the best choice for me and if I'm going to "upgrade" the OS it will be to Windows 10.


    (for the record I have used Windows (starting with 3.1 (ugh)), OS X, OS/2,  Linux, and BeOS (my all time favorite) on my various computers over the years)

  4. 14 hours ago, juanml82 said:

    Can Squad staff tell us at least if 1.1 is due to start experimentals soon?

    It will be nice to read the full devnotes, but to be honest and at this point, I just want to know if 1.1 is around the corner :P

    They probably can't.  I don't know much about game development, but do know something about software development in general.  Right now Squad is in that awful purgatory of endless cycles of bug fixing between wrapping up feature development and having something worthy of beta ("experimentals").  In my experience sometimes that light at the end of the tunnel turns out to me an oncoming freight train, and you never really know which it is until you get out of said metaphorical tunnel.

    Its frustrating for everyone involved, and like many here I am eagerly awaiting 1.1 but I would rather see Squad get things fixed the right way than rush to get 1.1 out ASAP.

  5. I don't know what I am doing differently than many posters on this thread, but I have rarely had any problem with rockets flipping (and when I did it was right when 1.0 came out) and do not use fins, vernors, air brakes or extra reaction wheels to stabilize the rocket during ascent.  Sometimes I decrease the gimbal range on the engines if they're vectoring too much.

    Airbrakes are very useful if you're trying to do a Space-X style first stage booster return to launch site.



  6. I noticed that the game had eaten my LKO Crew launcher, so I made a new one & took a crew to my LKO space station.  Everything went smoothly including the pitch-black can't really see anything nighttime docking.  Then I realized that the design team had forgotten to include parachutes on the capsule.  DOH!

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