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Posts posted by KerBlammo

  1. Tried my hand at flying a first stage booster back to KSC.  First I made sure a reasonable dummy payload would make it to orbit with an early MECO of the booster.  Then I launched again and tried to fly the booster back to KSC.  First a bootback burn at Ap, then a re-entry burn to limit the speed through the thicker part of the atmosphere then a nail biting suicide landing burn.  

    I used MJ to give me altitude and time to suicide burn data.  I'm used to Mun landings and this was scary.  With a mostly empty booster and a Mainsail the burn comes at the last second with a high vertical velocity.  But I pulled it off at the first attempt.  Of course it didn't land AT KSC, but NEAR it.



  2. 6 minutes ago, Mitchz95 said:

    Hitting the target has never really been the problem. It's hitting the target softly enough to stay upright and not explode. :P

    Exactly, they've demonstrated that they can put the booster down at a specific location so there should not be much concern about it crashing into the VAB or something.  Lets hope that the vehicle does not RUD on arrival this time!


  3. 12 hours ago, Aetharan said:

    Arkansas, USA.  I'll leave it up to our friends in Kansas and Alabama to decide whether that's technically a Southern or Midwestern state.  xD

    (As a funny side-note for our foreign friends who are unaware of this fact:  Despite apparently differing only in the additional syllable at the beginning, "Arkansas" is pronounced nothing like "Kansas".  The longer state's name is pronounced as a dactyl, with the second 'a' an undefined sound closer to a soft 'e' and the final syllable pronounced like a tool for cutting.  The shorter, at least when spoken in the dialect of a native from my state, is a trochee that enunciates the first syllable like it's written, but sounds like the second should be spelled "zus".  I would blame this inconsistency on an attempt to Romanize words borrowed from the natives' language, but that still doesn't explain identical spelling for very different-sounding words.)

    In Kansas the Arkansas River is pronounced "R-Kansas" and for some reason the Kansas River is called the "Kaw".

  4. Ummm.... well.... I sent up the Mun Lab Expedition 2 crew via SSTO to the LKO station where they boarded the nuclear powered crew transfer vehicle Relayer II.  After a stop off at the fuel depot in HKO (Relayer II has done two round trips to the Mun and was running low) they headed for Munar orbit.  On arrival while preparing to rendezvous with the orbital Mun Lab I noticed that the Mun Lab was no longer there!


    This is a bit of a problem.

  5. Headline: Crashed Plane Flying Too Close To Ground  According To Investigators.

    Other than design flaws its usually when I'm doing low level flying, buzzing KSC or moving the camera around for a glamour shot...

    That or trying to land a VTOL. I can do it safely most of the time, but certainly not ALL the time!

  6. Just for fun I decided to turn my SSTO Rocket Pane into a shuttle like thing with the addition of a big booster.

    Launched from a standing start



    This got it into orbit with ~1500 m/s to spare..


    So I decided to orbit the Mun with it


    On the way home


    Of course the re-entry speed was much higher than usual.  I picked a high initial Pe to limit the heating, but it still lost the nose cone on the first pass, de-orbited on the next pass through the atmosphere and landed safely


  7. Mun Lab Expedition 1 returned home on Relayer II after a try out of the new reusable Mun Lander and supervising the addition of a Cupola to the orbital lab.


    While they were at the Mun Lab Kerbalkind had upgraded Kerbin.


    Luckily the LKO station was still there along with a ride the rest of the way home.




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