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Everything posted by Sixstrings

  1. Does it also teleport you to the Skyrim intro when you fly through it ?
  2. This was the most nerve racking mission I've ever had since I first ran KSP2. Because of the bugs, not the tricky trajectory aim and touchdown. The launcher stage was all fine and achieving LKO was as comfy as can be. Problems started when burning towards the Mun. Completely screwed up inacurate maneuver nodes, sudden changes in trajectory after time warp, ship dislocation after going to map view and back... It took me two and a half hours, but many kraken-ate-my-friggin-solar-pannel later, I made it. I need a shower.
  3. KSC : "So we have these solar pannels we need to test..." Jeb : "Hold my kerbeer."
  4. Jeb missed the helipad but mission control says it's better to park the pod here anyway. (Yes this is what 1080p looks like. On high settings.)
  5. Kerbin blowing air from below so I don't fall. Thanks Kerbin. Appreciated.
  6. Certainly an optimization issue imo. I've seen videos and streams where RTX4090 configs get 15fps at launch with rockets that are not that complex. On my side framerate is very uneven at 1080p-medhigh with a 3060ti. A decent 60fps average in space but sub-zero fps during liftoff if the rocket has more than 30 parts or so. Optimization will come, gotta be patient !
  7. This looks way better imo. I like to think that, as this is UI/UX design basics, they will carefully optimise the use of space and that what we have now is only temporary. What would be really nice to have is an interface customization feature, where you can place the main elements where you want them to be and resize them. I mean you can do that with wings... why not the navball ?
  8. Minmus is exactly where it went pretty chaotic lol ! Add to that another bug that I had (will report that one for sure) where whenever I landed and took off again, trajectory lines totally disappeared, making maneuver nodes unaccessible. Coming back from Minmus by eyeballing the whole thing was fun in KSP1 when I had no idea what I was doing but tbh now it was kinda frustrating.
  9. Had exactly this happening to me on my last session, not only with gravitational slingshot weehees, but also with simple circularization maneuvers. Haven't had any underestimates though. Eyeballing is fine for now, but I also find it uncomfortable because of how thicc the trajectory lines are compared to KSP1 (1080p-High player, maybe that counts idk).
  10. I'm back from my second session. Restarting the game and building a fresh new rocket "fixed" the crossfeed bug. If as you guys said it's random, which seems so, that could be a sensitive issue when building more complex designs. Hope they fix it soon !
  11. I've just had the same problem. Having the crossfeed switched on or off didn't change anything, it looks like it's always on. Will try again after dinner.
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