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Everything posted by Dnaha

  1. Evie and Merlin definitely are my favorite ones. Both very interesting designs. Sagitarius also has a very clean design. I'm always surprised by the different designs people come up with when designing things in KSP. My stuff are always very bland and rarely work. I think I need to start thinking outside the box...
  2. Very neat. The capsules that are in stock KSP as well as some of the ones you find in mod packs always were limited if I ever needed to have more than 3 Kerbals. Nice job:)
  3. I definitely enjoy having the Ku antenna having the ability to come out on its own. Wish the radiators were like that but it honestly isn't a big deal for either case.
  4. Wow incredible craft. I'm going to have to download it and fly it around a bit. Great job!
  5. Last picture I got of the Peace Space Station before it was de-orbited. You can see the de-orbiting body docked on the station (the one with the engine).
  6. Opengl is a life saver. Allows me to have so many more mods than I otherwise would be able to.
  7. I don't really have the time to be a dedicated tester with school and all but I can occasionally test a few stuff if needed.
  8. Downloading the most recent update finally. Will see how it is and report back. Also, happy birthday Mike!
  9. FASA has a LEM. Doesnt have a Lunar Rover
  10. Now that's something I haven't found and was disappointed that FASA didn't provide. Lunar Rover would be awesome.
  11. I'm fairly sure the ISS mod pack that Mike was working on before has the Mir Docking Module included with it. The Tracking and Data Relay Satellites can be found in the US Probes Pack, though its not made for the Shuttle and getting it out of the cargo-bay is basically impossible without breaking the satellite.
  12. Loving the Real Plume configs. They look amazing. Looking forward to trying them out along with the new update when I get home.
  13. Real Plume for Shuttle is definitely something I support. Real Plume improves launches so much in my opinion.
  14. That is by far one of the most complex looking things I've seen in KSP yet.
  15. Not sure if you've tried these two, but FASA and SSP (Space Shuttle Mod) are two of my favorite mods. FASA adds the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo spacecrafts and I think they're properly placed in the tech tree so you can progress as the NASA programs did. FASA adds a ton of real-world spacecrafts that I think are worth checking out. SSP is a Shuttle mod that now has its own development team. It's still very much a work in progress and I'm not sure if there has been a new release under the new development team, but the previous releases have been very good. I would also recommend checking them out. Link to FASA forum: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24867-21-FASA-2-2-Wings!!!-Sept-4 Link to SSP forum: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/133296-%281-0-4-Compatible%29-SSP-Space-Shuttle-Program
  16. For a second there Mike I thought you had actually spent time on texturing that stuff, but then I realized that its just a screenshot of one of the Orbiter 2010 mods. I got worried for a second lol.
  17. I'm not too sure how the body flap actually was used. I think I remember reading somewhere that it was deployed downwards in order to protect the SSMEs from re-rentry heating but I'm not sure. Also, Those new textures look 100% accurate to me.
  18. In my experience, if the Shuttle doesn't have the body flap extended properly during re-entry and while its gliding through the atmosphere, the Shuttle will flip out of control and become unusable. I've had it where the body flap would for some reason deploy upwards instead of down and that really cripples the Shuttle during re-entry.
  19. Does anyone know how to get the S0 truss onto the ISS? I was looking at several build charts and they all show me different things.
  20. While the new textures for the shuttle are way better than what we had before, there is definitely room for improvement and I can't wait until we can have HD textures.
  21. I think a cool addition to the shuttle would be to have the option of having the old NASA livery for the orbiters. I think its basically like the Challenger livery but with the different orbiter names. Here's a picture of Discovery with the old livery for a reference of what I'm talking about.
  22. Wondering if you've been working on the texturing for the Spacelab module for the Shuttle, Mike. Also I was wondering if modeling SpaceHab would be possible. I get, however, if those are put on hold since you do have quite a full plate in terms of things to manage with all these amazing add-ons you've been working on.
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