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Everything posted by TrainEngie

  1. I have 5 installations: 2 0.90.0s, 2 1.0.2s, and 1.0.4.
  2. Granted. Someone else launches a different ore scanner, and they give you the results for free! I wish to go Mach 3.
  3. If ICC approved SPSF, then SPSF wouldn't be "shouldn't paint so fast" anymore. What if the XB-70 had two big J58 turbojets or 6 regular J58 turbojets instead of 6 YJ93 turbojets? (When Nertea updates his MK4 spaceplane pack with a BIG turbojet, I'll do that.)
  4. Granted. The stock thermometers and barometers are useless junk, and the spectro-variometer is the last thing you unlock in the tech tree for all tech trees. I wish for a big jet engine.
  5. Just beautiful. Do they use stock sounds or do they use custom sounds? Those engines... a 2 engine XB-70 is cooking up in my head...
  6. Wait, does that mean it has a giant ocean?
  7. normal Waiter, the Minecraft-Forums-version-of-this-forum-game is in my soup! EN-JP-ZH-VM-EN Waiter , this - Forum - game Minecraft - Forum - Edition - is my soup !
  8. Eat it Waiter, the Minecraft-Forums-version-of-this-forum-game is in my soup!
  9. Granted, but it's miscolored. I wish for a can of chili.
  10. Granted! The large amounts of money DO NOT CAUSE INFLATION! YAY. I wish for a can of chili.
  11. Be Jeb Jeb's lander went into Eve's ocean. What would jeb do?
  12. There are aliens on the moon! Brought to you by Untrue Fact Telling Machine XP, with numerous bugfixes, more power, and a totally new interface!
  13. The Kraken struck me! I explode. I restart. I FALCON KICK the next user.
  14. Undersmens? Where are the Overmen?
  15. Did you know? The PB-ION engine is 101% dark magic. The Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics corporation is part of the Kerballuminati. Brought to you by Untrue Fact Teller Millenium Edition (UFTM ME), the newest OS from Giga-Kerbalsoft Systems. Now with 50% more bugs!
  16. banned for launching a virus I was not aware of back there
  17. Lag posting sorry Back at Alpha Centauri AB-C, scientists install the newly developed hydrogen-fueled uberchargers and helium-powered supercoolers to 3 intergalactic cruisers. They will allow the Verterons to travel much faster and generate less of a heat signature. EDIT: Offline now
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