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Everything posted by TrainEngie

  1. Granted. Thousands of tonnes of lint for your warehouse. I wish for pizza.
  2. WinkAllKerb': Weird triangle numbers. TRIANGLE IS ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED.
  3. It doesn't detonate. Your government investigation force (assuming you are not amerikan) seizes both the bomb and you. I have an anime girl pillow. What could go wrong?
  4. Granted. It's a giant empty warehouse. I wish for a forklift to drive in that warehouse.
  5. Granted. You run out of food in 60 days. I wish to dance upside down
  6. It happened... again. ;-; same happened in Minecraft Forums... To WinkAllKerb': Saying :you! is cheating.
  7. oooh baby a triple dayum son where'd you find this
  8. B-ZERK? Why you gotta zerg rush all the time?
  9. Well, I wouldn't consider this "awesome" but I would say this is functional. It works with FAR too! I dunno why, but it's fun to fly.
  10. 8/10 Beethoven quote beautiful.
  11. Fight girls with girl and her magic cards!
  12. Granted. He's a pervert that's ferromagnetically attracted to you as in "the magnets you stick on your fridge" ferromagnets.
  13. Granted. The baked potato becomes grilled potato.. I wish to live with the next genie forever.
  14. When your chair has a permanent butt print (true story).
  15. It lands perfectly on a barge. The tank falls through the hull and sinks rapidly. I flip my animated avatar up side down. What could go wrong?
  16. Blueshark109. Blue is color of capitalist. Capitalist is America. America is George Bush. George Bush is 9/11. 9/11 is ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED. no math needed.
  17. Granted. A fleet of italian men in vespas trample your laggy car. I wish for english to have french grammar.
  18. Granted. They're really bitter. I wish for a working eraser.
  19. Granted. It screws up your hearing I wish for wings.
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