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Everything posted by TrainEngie

  2. For when I get something weird flying: FERRAM CAN'T STOP ME NOW!!!
  3. The old cockpit can benefit from a texture revamp The new one is actually kinda versatile. It's got a docking window on the top, which means space shuttle. It's got lotsa windows, which means private jet. It looks like a tandem seater, which means bomber. It's pointy. It's Porkjet's jet cockpit, what's not to like? KEEP BOTH!!!
  4. I just chose other. Air/Spaceplane landings (Adjustible Landing Gears like to veer my planes to the left. That's why I like KAX gears and the small stock gears, fixed and retracting ones) Ascent (Too much pitch causes my commsat launchers to split in half and crash my install.) Once we're in space, everything is much safer... for some reason. - - - Updated - - - I just chose other. Air/Spaceplane landings (Adjustible Landing Gears like to veer my planes to the left. That's why I like KAX gears and the small stock gears, fixed and retracting ones) Ascent (Too much pitch causes my commsat launchers to split in half and crash my install.) Once we're in space, everything is much safer... for some reason.
  5. I'm inconsistent with naming... ... but here's one of my systems For Rockets: Mathematical and geometric concepts (aka Perimeter 1, the launcher by itself) or the nicknames of cars (Levin 1B) For Payloads: Anything in English. (Mainstay 1) For Planes: TE-x English-word (TE-1 Turnpike) or three-letter code (KRS-1, stands for Kerbal Rocket Scouter 1) Rockets + Payload (Perimeter 1 + Mainstay 1)
  6. gets kerbal cigs insert kerbal cigs
  7. The RAMSES 1 had no docking/RCS capabilities, so... RELEASE THE KRS-1!!! IMAGE HEAVY!
  8. 231: Werner Von Kerman graduates from the University of Kermich. 234: A mistake in refining krude fuel to RP-1 kerosene results in the invention of sunscreen ointment and the invention of kerodiesel fuel. No one knows what to do with kerodiesel yet, since it is not as flammable as RP-1 kerosene. 245: Kiesel Kerman invents the piston engine for use with kerodiesel and RP-1. 246: The steam-powered minecarts become full-fledged railway steam engines. Also, the first air-breathing prop plane is invented.
  9. (RESETTING TRAIN HISTORY HERE) 208: Steamboat engines are used to pull minecarts out of mines safely, thus reducing injury from pushing minecarts up and making mining a successful business. 220: A steam-powered minecart is engineered. The first train is born, and its first cargo was 3 metric tons of iron ore. 224: Long fireworks are launched off of a navy steamboat, and one accidentally sinks an infidel pirate ship. The missile is born.
  10. TrainEngie


    its PRACTICAL, okay?
  11. TrainEngie


    I only play the China or Turkey servers because playing on the US West lags horribly. I play as Kazakhstan or irs.
  12. Granted. It has no hole in the middle. I wish for a bagel with no hole in the middle.
  13. Granted. It's still full of bugs. I wish to huehuehue
  14. Well, you want modern trains? I'll give you modern. 181: Current propulsion techs are steam engines, L/OX non-throttleable engines, and solid rocket boosters. Willville invents a solid rocket powered plane whilst Orbur invents a L/OX powered plane. Willville achieves supersonic speed at an altitude of 300 m whilst Orbur achieves 20 km flight distance.
  15. I turn that frowny face upside down. I goomba stomp ______.
  16. Oh god oh god oh godd -35 (+) pessimists are rising.
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