the interstellar captain does an ancient decision-making game, and the intergalactic captain uses his radio-tracking equipment to pinpoint the location of the bacon. He finds the bacon feast and he parks his ship and the other ship around orbit around the feast.
(Interstellar ship is towed by Intergalactic ship) The 5th and 7th regiment captains jump through the Kepler portal into Alpha Centauri, and they speed ludicrously to the orion constellation. They replay the message sent by Dark Junior's bacon hosts: ~~~~~~~~~~Alpha Centauri~~~~~~~~left~~~Orion's Belt~~~~~~~ Relaying message: Are you at Alnitak or Mintaka in Orion's belt? We can't decide where to go.
The captains of the 5th Interstellar Regiment and the 7th Intergalactic Regiment want to reserve some seats for that interstellar bacon feast. Scientists take an old buzzard ramjet aboard a really old Hall thruster and try to scoop some hydrogen from Proximia Centauri (Alpha Centauri C). IT WORKS! MUAHAHAHA. but then the ramjet goes on overload and explodes.
I scrap my flying TGVs and F-16s and turn their scrap into the orbital lasers to protect Kepler 186f. Meanwhile, my scouters are not receiving any signs of the hypercomputer within the Milky Way. They will go to the Magellanic clouds and search from there. I set up jump beacons from Gliese 581 to Kepler 186 to Alpha Centauri AB-C. Scientists are still trying to figure out how to harvest star matter. Great attractor is still on lockdown...?
(Receives message) Yes, I am here, I will come to get my cruisers. (goes to Xannari's shipyard to collect my cruisers, oui oui, thank you) A new dwarf planet forms in Alpha Centauri AB-C from the rubble of the planet I destroyed.
3 million years? I go to Alpha Centauri AB-C and I start heavily mining away at the innermost planet. I siphon the mantle and the core away, and the planet collapses on itself. I process the mantle material into thousands of heavy defense ships. My military scientists are learning how to siphon hydrogen and helium from stars.
You pressed "Ctrl-V", not "Ctrl-X". We're still here That hypercomputer is just what I need to make a super intergalactic command station! I build and send 2 intergalactic scouters to look for the hypercomputer.
(polyneutronium-duranium alloy explodes) oops... Guess I'll upgrade my main intergalactic fleet to polyneutronium. I upgrade my secondary intergalactic fleet from buzzard ramjets to cylindrical warp drives.
The poly neutronium is kind of heavy... I won't be using it for the main intergalactic fleet. Hmmm, I wonder what happens if we make a polyneutronium-duranium alloy... (mixes part of the sample and some scrap duranium together)
I take my remaining interstellar cruiser and take over all of Kepler 186's planets. I manufacture 10 intergalactic cruisers with chem lasers to protect Xannari's place from Dark Junior's havoc thing. EDIT: From far away of course, we don't want that Great Attractor being disturbed.