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Everything posted by chootrain

  1. I second this. Thank you for all your patience and your genuine attitude towards newbies like me, sincerely.
  2. Sorry I was a little persumptious when I said most missions. I meant most missions in the kerbin system. The interplanetary mission i was referring to is moho (you're right its not the closest, but it is the fastest). Also, the 100 units of supplies will last 100 kerbin days, but if you use the small greenhouse that converts mulch to supplies, you can essentially double the days the supplies last. If you plan the mission just right, you can get there and back in just over 200 days (moho has a pretty short orbit period so this results in a lot more transfer windows) with around 16k dV (multiple ships to refuel during flight there). I spent a long time planning this mission I completely agree that going anywhere else takes such a long time and 10x less resources will make it difficult, but isn't that the most exciting part of the game? I would love to have a mission that would require me to resupply my kerbals with resources while they're on other planets simply because i cant take all the supplies with me on a single ship. Or having to stop by asteroids to mine the resources or etc.. Doing things the non-conventional way is what KSP is all about! I dont know.. this was just a suggestion on my parts simply because it was alot more fun for me.
  3. Would it be too much of a bother to ask for '>' and '<' at the edges of the slider for spare parts? Kinda like the buttons procedural parts have to change the size of the tanks. Its very hard to precisely add round integers of parts into a pod (there is no reason for me to have 5.42 spare parts where I can only use 5.00 of that number). I recall there was talk regarding having separate 'spare parts' that use the KIS system. Are you still planning to have that integration? That's obviously easier said than done, but golly that would be pretty sweet.
  4. Dont they send up dry food? thats why its so light. Then they rehydrate the food with the recycled water on the ISS. The USI supplies include the water weight, so 1 kg of food actually makes sense. However, I actually found the consumption rate too low to have an impact on the design of my rockets. The smallest container that has 100 units is more than enough for most missions (even outside of the kerbin system). What I had to do is actually reduce all container sizes by 10x (10, 50, 450, 1.5k instead of 100, 500, 4.5k, 15k). I've been having a lot of fun with that configuration in my career play through. Same with the USI Kontainers mod (reduced the maximum capacities by 10x). This re-balancing is probably not going to be for everyone, but maybe it can be scaled by the difficulty setting the player chooses for their career mode? (easier said than done, I know :S)
  5. checkout the changelog: Alpha 6: Compatible with KSP 1.0.2 Add FailureModules for steering and tires Rework experience system using the Stock XP system. Configurable in the Module
  6. Oh snap, you're totally right. Thanks! LS were the first resource I had to deal with, so I though it was this mod. Sorry. Roverdude: you update KSP almost like if it was your job..
  7. I found some inconsistency with the electrical drain during time warp. I'm not sure if its a bug or made by design. Having life support on board drains electricity. Nominal EC drain (for me) is 0.01 charge/s at 1x time warp. Whenever I increase time warp, the electrical drain increases with the time warp (2x speed - 0.02 charge/s, 10x speed - 0.1 c/s, all the way up to 100x - 1 charge/s) But whenever I time warp 1000x and faster, the EC drain drops down to the nominal value (0.01 charge/s). Is this intentional? Am I nitpicking at the smallest details? Relevant log for the time warp (didnt see anything out of the ordinary): USI LS settings file
  8. Forgive me, i dont know how to log issues on github, but I found a minor issue. The supply timer (without food) resets in the atmosphere (below 50k?). So if i was in space for a while, dip down into kerbin to 50k and go back up into space, the timer for no food resets back to 0. I realize this doesnt happen often, but its still a minor exploit? I'm using the latest available version 0.1.2
  9. I ran into a peculiar bug. Forgive me if its not caused by FAR, but its most likely FAR. I decoupled a spacecraft (pod) from the rocket using right click -> decouple, and as soon as the ship entered the atmosphere, there was no aerodynamic forces. Please see the screenshot I resolved the issue by reloading the game, and "staging some fake stages" (create a stage on the fly then staging the blank stage). I'm using the latest FAR version (fanno 15.1.0)
  10. Has anyone started work on this? I dont want to start from scratch if someone has already made progress
  11. I wasn't sure where I should ask this, so I figured I would ask you guys: Is there a way to control flight (pitch) trim without the use of the alt key? The reason I'm asking is controllers and joysticks are going to become popular when flying airplanes, and constantly switching to the keyboard can be annoying. The stock game doesn't have an option to rebind the "alt" key (or any trim control). There were some mods that assigned trim control to action groups (extended trim) but they dont seem to work in the new 1.0 (at least they dont work with nuFAR installed). I was kinda excited when i saw action groups for control surface deflection, but then I realized that's not at all what I'm looking for (its still a useful feature). If there is no mod that allows this, would I be vilified for suggesting the possibility of adding this feature to FAR?
  12. The dev version (https://github.com/RemoteTechnologiesGroup/RemoteTech/releases) is being updated almost daily. Someone must be working on this, and the dev version (at least build 323) work enough to be playable in 1.02
  13. Forget what I just said, it seems to be a small bug on the KCT side. Sorry.
  14. Paul, I ran into a somewhat annoying issue: There appears to be 2 versions of the Kerbal space center launch sites. One of them loads at the game start up, and the other one is accessed through simply changing your launch site to KSC. Basically the 'default' KSC cant be accessed after you change launch sites.. until you restart the game. This normally isn't a problem, but I'm using KCT for my playthough, which keeps a different ship build list for every site. Sometimes I forget to change the site at the beginning of the game, which results in my hard earned cash disappearing on me when I do change a launch site (and change back to KSC). Am I doing something wrong / is there a work around?
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