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Everything posted by ghostbuzzer7

  1. This happened to me today.... while I was programming. "Huh why cant I fricken' get these local variables to be printed inside the console from the main class?".... "I have everything the variables are set up but for some reason, the method doesn't call it. Could it be that I need to import the code into a separate class and import it as an object into the code".... I keep rambling off to find my answer was the first thing I said... It was a local variable not a public variable. And that has been my facepalm I made today
  2. Banned for accusing moderator's of their foresight powers obtained by circumnavigating kerbin swiftly (Thats SOOO Irrelevant but hey it works) Update: Arrggss I knew the ninja was coming Banned for ninja...... (Always get me )
  3. Thanks burn't out router..... Hopefully it comes by today...
  4. Banned for moderating your banning powers while on vacation
  5. 8k render in blender render, imgur compressed it to 4k and a load of compression from a 250 mb to 3.8 but nevertheless this render is by far one of my favorite featuring two new crafts I made (Vought F4U Corsair) and (SE5 British WWI Biplane). As captured in this scene, the SE5 is being chased down by 3 F4U's in flying formation. Acrobatic smoke included Thanks for viewing. Hope you liked it
  6. As said above, if your still in timewarp you go right through the rock. All you need to do is not get into timewarp and you should be able to hug a nice giant rock with mass
  7. 4/10 seen probably 11 out of that 67 posts
  8. Very nice high detail U-boat you got going there 400+ parts seems kerbal enough! Well I've kind of neglected the tanks section and warships and started working on some sweet planes. One being very close to pTrevTrev's avatar Introducing the S.E5 British WWI Biplane Comes with animated propeller. And using coms doesn't work as well as this elevons
  9. Hehe, Im just going to leave this here too
  10. Oohh why haven't I thought of a Ferris wheel!! Nice you have to post it!
  11. Water landing variant of post above. This time EVE visual enhancements are on. I think Jool's system is the best
  12. KSP is so beautiful! Laythe has the exact atmosphere thickness so I get almost the same speed on kerbin .
  13. Sniff Sniff* What about me.... I do it too I would be happy to do it Dman
  14. Bagel Rabbit is there in the stream with him check it out!
  15. Bagel Rabbit's gone live!! Join us today!!! HERE
  16. Nice! Love these builds. Must have taken you a long time to make that +rep for you! My tanks would probably run because your sentry is much bigger and has more intimidating missiles.
  17. Animated propellers I wish I knew how to clip those engines where the props are to make it look better.
  18. 5 points away = 1 rep away from 4 bars Any kind person out there for me ? Update 4 bars!
  19. Im sorry you had to push say this in such a harsh way. As Yukon and Columbia said, its entirely based on my opinion. My opinion was, these crafts didn't make much attention for their time being within the 4 pages. I feel as though im being tainted for my decisions (probably just because of my reputation) although I was allowed to right to be as stated here: Im sorry you didn't find my selections to be good. Originally Posted by Mad Rocket Scientist Who are you to decide this, I hear you asking, and here's the answer: No one. I was not elected, I just decided to do it. If you're unhappy with my decision, we can work something out. This is just my opinion, since there's no non-subjective way to judge "Quality" of crafts. If anyone feels that their craft is missed because of any kind of time-zone difference, or any kind of difference in when spacecraft fridays is put up, tell me. If your craft is really good and was made before, and someone posts in it within that week, then it will be considered. Just to clarify, I am not encouraging necros for the sake of bumping your craft.
  20. Whoops forgot to put the spacecraft Friday sign. Added just in case cover my back
  21. http://www.twitch.tv/ghostbuzzer7 That was for livestream testing for tomorrow.
  22. Attention all forum-goers who seek interest in reading this post, I too will be live steaming on Saturday 9/5/15 for Project Phoenix. Why should you attend? Because all the donations are going straight to SkyRender's family and you will be allowed exclusive access to see what's new in the game, take a look at never released tanks and some gameplay of world of tanks too. If everything goes as planned I should be up and live at around 3:00 PM EST! Hope to see you there. And I will be using my mic, so you can hear my voice and be entertained. I will be taking your request in blender renders too. All it takes is a PM to the forums and any craft you want rendered in blender will be made right before your eyes! If any questions please shoot me a PM
  23. Then I guess it was a good choice to not make the cut even though I didn't look at the the dates . Either way Im sure you would've told me if it was on the thread. I think you should since you got the vote count to do so in which may or may not be my vote
  24. Rune, you didn't notice one "easter egg" at the end which I may have borrowed from one of your posts
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