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Everything posted by ghostbuzzer7

  1. Finished up the Tiger 1. SOMEONE PLEASE SLAP MY PM BOX if I dont post this tomorrow on the thread! I always forget and don't have the time to post! Anyway, the Tiger 1 is happy to get released.... The tank turret is being resized to better scale!
  2. Do what exactly? Presuming your talking about the missiles, I basically offset them away from the craft, added a quick smoke domain, sampled the kraken out of it, added colorRamp, added lamps with a strength of 500 facing toward the craft (flame glow), rendered at 1920x and 200 samples not that simple
  3. Looks neat! 6 x 60KN (On a small craft) and those efficient engines + undock-able . I like it
  4. Sukhoi T-50 -- Yes its Stock, comes with 10 Missiles, 1 bomb (Still need to fix the position of the tail fins) Really nice pic here Enjoy
  5. Its here! Aircrafts are now being introduced to the thread! Hopefully I can kick my sorry but for being too lazy and posting any crafts! The list of aircrafts is on the main page! Anyways heres an amazing render of SOME of the planes..... enjoy
  6. I meant lag if you added 200 batteries part clipped inside Whats the TWR like?
  7. I got something to say That last pic RIP nose But the use of airbrakes was a pretty neat idea! I dont think they'd be slowing you down in space. And the back of the craft, the way you inverted the light to make it look like a different part was really neat. Try offsetting those big batteries like 200 say, inside the cockpit, solved your electric issue.....not your lag
  8. Nope but good guess! Heres a hint 1940s..... And this aircraft may have been replaced the F-4...... HUGE HINT
  9. Coming soon to a KSP near you! Ack well heres a different craft not that other one One that you can actually see. This pic is a venom british jet fighter but the other one shall remain a mystery
  10. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Hello "+ obj.x + " , Click ok to proceed to the test" ); obj.Question1(); obj.Question2(); java code..... Basically the art of copy and paste because laziness
  11. The mod hasn't worked for me ever since 1.0.3, all the buttons don't work... do nothing at all. Am I doing something wrong or is it the compatibility issues discussed previously?
  12. Whoop BBCode Args Ye Forums Say I can't rep you eh? We can fix that, *Inspect element* That gear engine thingy was really cool
  13. 6/10 Seen that cat with that frown a bit hanging around the Space Lounge quite often
  14. I can give that a go! Begs on floor* "SQUAD, plz some bugs are meant to stay!" Update: Nope. Doesnt work for the giant rover wheels ;(
  15. Yeah but I ran into the bug when making this craft so Im like Idea! Why not make it "hover". Glad you like it. It brings back so many memories of other things that hover....
  16. The NEW Ford Hovervee Model X !!! As depicted in this picture, Jebediah Kerman is pleased with the KSC's new invention. "Its like my jeep but it hovers and is more likely to flip over! I like it :D" proudly shouts Jeb. This car features: Hover! Hover Suspension! Hover Wheels! Hover Chassis! ​ YOU GET THE POINT! Low part count, nice Ford style with a pickup design, WHAT ELSE CAN YOU ASK FOR And if your skeptical about this just look at our MLG youtube video! Download it here! Thank you for viewing folks! Happy Hovering!
  17. Glad I sparked an idea In regards to the rover, I just thought it would be nice to add that because the game does have the transport rover wheels its just we forget they are there and tend to forget the first thing that happens when you need to launch your rocket away from the VAB.
  18. Local nearby KSC SHOCKS the World: Article by: ghostbuzzer7 KSP Magazines Inc. SRTO = Satellite Rocket To Orbit What happened? Lecsy Kerman, founder of prominent multi-billion dollar corporation, "KSC", funded by RnD, proudly shows the world the capabilities of their new rocket named, "RnD Vulcan Sat-P". This lightweight, low budget launch vehicle successfully launched the "Sat-P" probe with an astounding launch history of 7 out 10 successful missions. Sat-P 3, 6, and 8 didn't sustain enough periapsis height whereas it skimmed back into the atmosphere before researchers could gain enough science about their orbital body. Photo by: Kirrim Kerman As depicted in this picture, Lecsy Kerman tells us how the engineers really proved their worth to stay another night. "They managed to find the right amount of delta-V to make this reach a very low orbit around Kerbin." proclaims Lecsy "The only downside is launch conditions and fuel flow must run near perfect in order to achieve such possibilities. Fortunately, the dual stage solid rocket boosters gives us an additional 1,500 meters per second delta v which raises our periapsis from -500,000 meters to a shocking 100,000 (At best)." How did they do it? The rocket consisted of 5 stages consisting of Ignition of all main engines Staging of return-able boosters Burn out of main engine: Stage Secondary Burn out of Secondary: Stage Twin-Powered Solid-fuel Stage #1 Burn out: Stage Solid Fuel Stage #2 Orbit Achieved "Here at KSC, we dont settle for less but rather settle for more" ~Bill Kerman "Can I hitch a ride on that boy?!?" ~Jebediah Kerman "Seems like we got another breakthrough! We are just one step closer to put our Mun training to the test!" Valentina Kerman Launch Photos: Taken by KSP Magazine's: Kirrim Kerman Thanks for viewing folks! If you enjoyed reading this and/or wish to see more of these things (Or even a download) +rep if you'd like Have a nice (Kerbal) day. And hopefully some explosions!
  19. Well my internet was out for a long time so that gave me enough time to do a circumnavigation on gilly. I kept the design simple and light with loads of delta V for downforce allowing me to travel safely at 30 meters per second. Basically Ion engines work effectively for this type of condition and thats what I did. Craft parts was only 25 parts. I didn't realize that the brakes dont work so slowing down required SAS... I think its a bug with 1.0.4 but oh well Heres my submission: Ooh and randomly my kerbal got hotter and hotter as everyday passed..... is this like some form of solar radiation? Next stop minmus!
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