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Everything posted by ghostbuzzer7

  1. #NoZekes4U Will it be Endersmens to reply next?
  2. I believe this challenge still works in 1.0 probably even better .... Do I see a rebirth in this challenge? A new shed of light with tension catapults or just failure.... Time to start building again.
  3. Banned for becoming The First Sea Lorde. The First Sea Lord will eventually find you .... I hope
  4. Ohh and another render although some of the textures from the addon dont work for 1.0 that well so... I had to improvise and make my own fairings and such. Blender 3D is amazing.
  5. Ohh I rendered the kerbal-x and made it into a poster similar to what SQUAD would do for promotional things.
  6. I downloaded it, played it, made a flying lawnmower, back to 1.0
  7. I think I may have struck gold.... just need to get it to minmus.... Theres only one way to beat that score... I need to recheck the rules now it may be broken.... Im happy. ------ Edit ------- Nope didnt work.... 1.0 docking mode restricts wheels from running.... Im just about done with ideas.
  8. Farewell Yukon. Hopefully we can meet again in the summer.
  9. Ohh you got my KSP short clip of a polar rescue. Heres the story plot: A short cinematic of a lost kerbal at the south pole. He unlike the rest survived the crash when the left turbojet of their cargo plane blew. Upon crashing, the cargo bays managed to keep the rover intact. As he drove around the South Pole desperately looking for help. This 10 ton rover however, fell into a crevice causing the struts on his wheels to decouple. Now unable to move, he sobbed in agony inside the crew cabin. However, on day 4 of his survival, a jet could be heard from the distant. Joyfully, he sprung up and out of the crew cabin to signal the pilot. Fortunately, the jet was under command of Cerella Kerman, the first female kerbalnaut to fly over the south pole. She landed on the ice caps and greeted the lost kerbal. Taking him onboard her jet, she began to throttle up and begin a route to the Kerbal Space Center. What happens next.... Enjoy.
  10. Althought confetti looks awful, tSQUAD has implemented a debris despawner of items that come from fairings. Either way, i would love optional fairings.
  11. I made a poster for my newest craft in which was inspired by Zokesia Skunkworks USSR replicas. I made a flying wing. More like the Horten Ho 299 originally produced during WWII, it was a .... stealth bomber but was the first ever made in its generation. The one I made comes with 6 bombs, and 1 nuclear war head. I have a video uploading to youtube right now but here is the poster.
  12. No I have not tried to thrust limit the skipper.... (The most simplest of things that engineers can forget to do) *Oh it doesn't fly straight, add counter thrust!!!! When all you really need to do is thrust limit. Oh and what I meant by cargo, your payload or shuttle you may call it that you are lifting into a LKO. Ohh and I just noticed you had returnable stages.
  13. I choose to challenge that mini shuttle of yours with mine although yours does have an intricate cargo design. Nevertheless, my mini shuttle
  14. ​A New Breed Of Amphibious Rovers AeroSpace MR-Dasher Details: Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y8n2r27wxud10js/AeroSpace%20MR-Dasher.craft?dl=0 ​Speed on land: 150 meters per second Speed on Water: around 80 to 120 meters per second *Note safe speed is 80 meters or lower* Liquid Fuel: 504 Specs: Two Goo Canisters, two surface scanning devices, two coms, one basic jet engine, 1 mk1 incline cockpit, plenty of electricity and radioactive isotopes AeroSpace MR-Beast Details: Download:https://www.dropbox.com/s/e1sbrk2urx5bgw9/AeroSpace%20MR-Beast.craft?dl=0 Speed on land: 130 meters per second Speed on Water: Maximum 59.4 meters per second Liquid fuel: 504 Specs: Same as the Dasher however, it has more mass because it comes with two drills, two ore cans, and an ISRU converter to convert ore into liquid fuel ideal for the Elcano challenge. *Im thinking of entering it * It can refuel on its own Quick Trip to Abandoned Runway ​Happy Sailing from AeroSpace
  15. Banned for sponsoring Alienware. Zerg Rush confirmed. Message from SQUAD "You must sponsor us!!! :D" <--- Not really said by SQUAD
  16. Start a thread for the reasons and what you expect for the 1.0.1 patch coming up. I find the new physics good its just something new and breaks all previous crafts, corrupts old saves, challenges... etc. I do agree with KSP starting to lean towards being a simulator rather than game of creativity. Best of luck.
  17. Yeah, SAS does not work because SAS doesn't account for the amount of airflow moving across the surface of the wing with the new aerodynamics. At higher altitudes, SAS has more mechanical advantage then that of the control surfaces, hence prograding is easier. I just made what I believe is the tiniest shuttle to orbit kerbin in 1.0. Unfortunately, turning in lower atmosphere consists of finer movements of the control surfaces. I found somewhat of a bug if you asked me. SSTO's are easier to get into orbit but people fear it will burn up during reentry. I have found out that once you get under 50,000 meters, if you pull your nose up 30 degress, you slow down from 2,400 to 1,800 in seconds. The more you do it, the more you slow down making SSTO's easier to land. Highly recommended that for SSTO builders. Anyways, I understand you struggle Zekes. I too have FSX Happy Flying.
  18. Im pretty sure I still want the LV-R1's division in this. As you can see, you think outside the box . People say I only need two of them, you say you mean't two.... hundred. Anyways, probably adding a real with the ions that you may use sepratrons I to get into thinner atmosphere. Would you be willing to test that out for me Juzeris? Btw great submission. -----Edit----- Actually, you build a rover that releases it in the air as said by OdinYggd..... Rule changing. ----Edit---- Im going to try the new rules. Must have a rover to deploy glider. Hopefully it works. Juzeris Can you test that for me. Not that thing above.
  19. I suspect the bare maximum of this challenge would be around 1700 before burning up in the atmosphere. Seems interesting enough. I can reassure the use of heat shields will most certainly be needed. Interesting challenge
  20. Officially now has two options of scoring either by ions or liquid fuel LV-R1 Engines ONLY.
  21. Yes highly nerfed. At the moment, Im trying to decide the next step to reviving the challenge from ending. :/
  22. Im glad you guys liked it . Everyone is real supportive. Thank you all.
  23. Congratulations. He has finally been beaten Welcome to 1st place again Juzeris
  24. Even if we lose or win, we can all thank SQUAD and Shapeways for their support and love. Good luck everyone
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