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Everything posted by HoloYolo

  1. Nightbot said 3 hours in chat. If that's true I only get to play tomorrow! I'm not European SQUAD! (Well I am but I don't live in Europe).
  2. Maybe the need Das' help on pressing the button. Maybe it really is that big.
  3. What if the released it at the end when we're all going to bed? Those devils.
  4. Even if it's too soon at least it won't end up like 1.1...I still have nightmares.
  5. What if they add a new planet, and the only way to get it is if you pay $15 USD. You really want to get that new planet, but are stripped of cash and can't get it. Every other person can, and are having the time of their life on that planet, finding terrain and easter eggs. You see everyone having fun, but you can't. Sure, the majority has it, but what about that one person? Is the commuinity truly 100% happy? Is there no effect even if it's just one person?
  6. Well it better be a lot of features and not just one or two things.
  7. For an update, I will say goodbye. For DLC, once in a while, but it makes no sense. A free DLC makes more sense but we have mods that cover almost anything you want for free of charge. I don't remember SQUAD running out of money anyways, and by the time they do this game will only be a memory with only few playing it. What I mean is that an update should be free regardless, DLC should be either a few dollars, free, or non-existent, mainly because of mods.
  8. If I have to get charged for an UPDATE to a game then that's when I leave these forums and KSP...for good. Paid DLC doesn't really make much sense. It would be much better free. We have mods that basically cover everything. Why is DLC (free or not) an idea that makes sense anyways?
  9. Saw the post and rep count so I figured I'd like.
  10. Even though I hate it too your only chance to get more planets is mods. They just tossed that idea out a few updates ago.
  11. Shame I didn't get to do this, but congrats to everyone that did. Hope the mission goes well!
  12. Very interesting choice. I'd also like to know.
  13. I have a meaning for this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) song.
  14. give me a few minutes. it was from a dev. Game Producer SQUAD staff 106 6 posts Posted Thursday at 01:27 PM · Report post Hello, I like the original intention of this post, listing facts and rumors. I want to add with a few facts that I can confirm with my role as the Game Producer for KSP. Fact: Chris (porkjet) left a few weeks ago in a totally unrelated event. He told me he had a new working opportunity. Not sure why he is listed with the rest of the group. Fact: Sebastian (sarbian) was invited as a temporal dev to help fixing bugs until 1.2 was released Fact: From the remaining 6 devs, 2 were working part time on KSP Fact: 1.3 is confirmed, there are already devs working on this new version Fact: Squad has been looking for new devs since june, new people are already working and more are coming Fact: RoverDude (or any other team member) was not forced to make any comment about this topic Fact: The team actually grew in comparison to the beginning of the year, even after these departures These are just facts, I am not making any judgement. I was great working with all of them and I wish them the best of luck on their future endeavours.
  15. A glass of ice-cold milk and some tortilla chips and/or Pirate's Booty. Pirate's Booty is like Cheetos but it's made with Aged White Cheddar. Yummy.
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