As title says, this is my The Ultimate Jool-5 Challenge attempt. And it was successful attempt! Here is link to challenge thread for every cause... Basic mission info Version: 0.90 Mods: KER and Kerbal Alarm Clock Kerbals: Jebediah and Bill Launches: 6 Refueling: No Other statistical data in part 1 below PARTS Part 1 - Assembling (BELOW) Part 2 - Interplanetary (1st page) Part 3 - Corrections (1st page) Part 4 - Laythe (1st page) Part 5 - Vall (1st page) Part 6 - Tylo (1st page) Part 7 - Bop and Pol (1st page) Part 8 - Return (1st page) Part 1 - Assembling As every 2nd KSP player, I build my rockets big. I mean BIG. It took me whole day to get this beauty to orbit, part by part. Sometimes I even felt like I won't did it and I will give up. I am doing it in sandbox, but I have counted total funds needed and more statistical data... --------------------------- STATISTICS Number of launches: 6 Total starting weight: 3,110.858 tons Orbital assembled weight: 447.254 tons Cost: 1,611,008 funds --------------------------- BASE (Base) 47,784 funds - 77.595 tons In this module, Jebediah and Bill will spend few years and these modules are as comfortable as possible (which is not actually possible). It is smallest of all parts and it is connected to Main Engine and Tylo Lander. --------------------------- LAYTHE LANDER (Laythe) 121,896 funds - 192.198 tons It has some chutes for landing, 4 jet engines with a little fuel, 2 rocket engines on sides and central fuel tank for these 2. It also includes some luxuries, such as ladder, solar panels and rcs. --------------------------- TYLO LANDER (Tylo) 156,056 funds - 307.085 tons I had some problems designing this. Most alerting fact is, that it has got just enough Delta V to get to surface from 20 km orbit and back. This will be close one... --------------------------- TRIAL LANDER (Trial) 97,292 funds - 180.260 tons As very original name already says, this lander lands on 3 bodies. Yea, Bop, Pol and Vall. I might use it later after return for landing on Mun to make my mission even more... crazy? --------------------------- MAIN ENGINE (Engine) 1,031,836 funds - 2,058.340 tons 7 Jumbo tanks, 14 nukes and still very slow acceleration. One of reasons of 17 fps. I have tried ~6 designs for takeoff and then I: have accidentaly removed video OR forget to record OR didn't record because of low fps. I hope it isn't suspicious. --------------------------- ADDITIONAL FUEL (Fuel) 156,144 fund - 295.380 tons Because of different final design of main engine, I have sent this to compensate removed fuel. It also brought necessary rcs refuel. Took me while to do 4 independent dockings... --------------------------- MISSION REPORT Base takeoff Base parked at Kerbin orbit at 101 km Laythe takeoff Laythe and Base successful rendezvous at Kerbin orbit Tylo takeoff Tylo and Ship succesful rendezvous and reorganization at Kerbin orbit Trial takeoff Trial and Ship successful rendezvous at Kerbin orbit Engine takeoff Engine and Ship successful rendezvous at Kerbin orbit Fuel takeoff Fuel and Ship rendezvous and docking at Kerbin orbit --------------------------- VIDEO