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Everything posted by Nik333

  1. It seems like I am first one to test new system and have 3 positive reviews on my Jool-5 attempt! Thread is HERE.
  2. Thank you, it seems like I am first one to be approved by 3 judges on new Jool-5 rating system!
  3. Seems like interesting one! But what about Minmus? And Ike and Gilly? You should give points for that too, because it would be nice to do for example Mun and Minmus in one flight!
  4. Deutherius: Thank you for review. You have got many questions so let's start... Part 1 I wanted to make video, but it is not only about result, which may be okay after speeding up, but recording software also drops your fps a bit (if you don't have GPU with integrated recording). Part 2 Multiple burns were done because it would take (I am not sure now) about half hour to do. I would start 15 minutes before peri and end 15 minutes after peri. Part 4 - Laythe Why polar? I did that accidentaly... Also (as you know) it was my first landing so I didn't know what engine to use. Part 5 - Vall I don't use SAS, because it cause wobble with larger ships. And I use keyboard. Part 6 - Tylo It was landable, but when I set throttle to full on orbit, it ended crashing 80 m/s into surface. Ouch. I am now also wondering, why I did not threw of Tylo. For takeoff, because of additional thrust and then... I just not thought of it. Part 7 - Bob and Pol When you are in sandbox, you can use all features of SAS everytime, even with probe cores which only support stability assist and non-pilot Kerbals.
  5. I have just completed my attempt! Everything can be found HERE. I have made 5 videos and then decided to just upload images. It was nice mission, but Jool transfer made me really crazy, because of massive 300 part wobbly unwarpable thing, which took 20 minutes to do a burn. Also I nearly gave up when I had to land on Tylo, but I did it using awesome idea which Bill had. Info can be found in mission report itself.
  6. Part 8 - Return And this is end of whole mission. It took about 8 years. Bill and Jebediah must be really happy to see their families again. I am not fan of realistic reentries, so I don't care about doing 4000 m/s reentry. -----------------------
  7. PART 2 - Setting up orbit This part will be rather about boring docking than about science, which may however sound better for those who only looks on images, because I have took many images. My goal is to make refueling station on Kerbin orbit and later on Duna orbit. Station was sent in 2 parts - one with 4 senior docking ports and second one with 4 normal docking ports. Here you can see journey of first part. Setting first part to orbit is always much easier, because you don't have to do any rendezvous. We have a night start, but I don't really care, because you don't have to watch rocket. My is extra stable, so I only watch height, navball and map. I am really adicted to staging of side boosters. Just look at it and tell me it doesn't look awesome. And here is how it looks on stable Kerbin orbit at around 150 km. And here comes the second part. Night start again... Both parts of station have bugged in strange way. They were uncontrolably trying to turn. When you look it bottom-left corner there is pitch-yaw-roll visualisation. Always when I released control button, it have set to certain values. Nothing legit helped, so I have modified save and bug was gone. Design of station is pretty clear and thus it look (in my opinion) simply great. It looks even better with second part attached. You may be asking, why you need refueling station? Well it's always better to do one more docking than one more launch. I am pretty sure that in this series you will learn how fanatic about docking am I. I will launch 4 engines right now. 2 with normal port (Engine S) and 2 with senior (Engine L). That's because smaller payload don't need senior and heavier payload wobbles with normal (and usually even with senior). Here is launch of first engine. Another staging. This picture makes me feel that engine is really near to Kerbin. If you don't see it, imagine that Kerbin is really small. And this is my favourite part of sending these guys to orbit Here is another launch. I promise this is last time you see that staging... Docking Another Engine L I found this image beautiful. Look at right of Mun. Do you see those few light pixels? That is what makes picture so awesome. (It is Minmus if you didn't realize.) Skipped "nearly there" image And very last engine to be send in this part! And we are ready to take some payload to orbit and then to Duna! Here are rough plans about it: Engine S - 3x Ion-Comm II Engine S - Ion Plane Engine L - Habitat module Engine L - Communication center
  8. Basically, I am building station on Kerbin orbit and found it impossible. Both parts have bugged in strange way. Whenever I restart whole game, their pitch, yaw and roll are automatically changed to strange values (as seen in left bottom part of HUD). I have tried disabling SAS by modifying persistent.sfs file, but that don't help. When I press any key for control, I can normally control it, but when I release key, it always change it's value back to strange values. Nothing helps here. Are there saved values for yaw, pitch and roll in persistent.sfs? If they are, I just need to know what values have I to change. I had some mods before and uninstalation doesn't help. EDIT: Solved. Just opened it in notepad++ and searched for pitch. There were trimPitch, trimYaw and trimRoll values, which were set to values corresponding to values they were set in-game. I have set them all to 0 and problem was solved.
  9. I am at the point everything what I think of makes me feel like I am copying long-term Laythe. But it is so awesome that it's hard to not take inspiration and it is so long that everything what you can do with base was already done there...
  10. Thanks for tip, but I did what I did, because it looks awesome to have just one perfect orbit around Kerbin with 3 objects on it rather than 4 non-circular and it was actually fun for me to do it. It took me I think less than 2 hours to do that triangle. I am designing communication center for Duna and I have found very unusual way to land with it.
  11. I have got an idea about this before I noticed that Brotoro has started his Developing Duna. What I know about myself so far, I always focus more on orbit around body with my base (as you can see). But after I do basic "orbital setup" (basically doing same thing I did in part 1, but around Duna), I'll start setting up base itself. Including huge telecommunication center, electric plane (ion rules) and much more.
  12. Duna is usually third body everybody is trying to get on (if you don't count Kerbin). But not everybody is trying to set there whole colony! Realism: I like making some things quite real and others not that much. So expect unexpected! Mods: KER, Kerbal Alarm Clock Inspiration: To start making this, Long-term Laythe. For Duna itself, who haven't ever thought about making Duna colony? (I thought of making forum series before Brotoro started Developing Duna.) Part 1 - Communication (BELOW) Part 2 - Setting up orbit (1st page) Part 3 - First payload (1st page) Part 4 - Duna arrival (1st page) Part 5 - Duna Communication (here) Part 1 - Communication Short version for those who only came for images I have made very precise triangle out of probes for communication reasons. Normal version This is part I will keep real. It contains a lot of science. You have been warned! To have full coverage of whole Duna (for communication for example between base and far-away lander) we need to send bunch of sattelites. We need even more of them if we want continuous link between Kerbin and Duna. If we place them on equatorial orbit on high enough orbit, they provide you coverage of whole planet, excluding polar areas. Picture below can give you rough idea on how it works. Start of boring theories --< However even if we have these things covered, there are still problems remaining. If Duna and Kerbin are as closest as they can be, light will take about half a minute to travel this distance. And if they are furtherst they can be? That will take light 2 minutes if you don't think about fact that in these positions, Kerbol is inbetween them. So live communication is impossible. You have to wait approximately 2 minutes to get your answer (1 minute send message and 1 minute to receive answer). >-- end of boring theories To make it more clear: 1. Imagine two near (2 km away) objects on flat land. They can communicate easily. 2. Imagine two further (100 km away, which is much more on Duna than on real-life Earth) objects. You can still make direct link between them using really (really) strong antenna, but why, when you can send signal to satellite above you in direct path and that can send signal to second object? 3. Imagine two objects each on another side of Duna. How the hell can these link with each other? Enough explaining, here is image of how do I think it can be solved "easily" Of course, if satellites are to close to surface, straight signal between them will be blocked by Duna itself. You can send for example 12 satellites around planet, which will solve that problem, but that would be far more expensive. I have started putting 3 of satellites on orbit of Kerbin. I have named them Ion-Comms I and sent them to orbit. They have very simple construction. Probe core, battery, solar panels, antennas, xenon tanks and ion engine. As they are fairly small, lifter was also small. Each has different code name - Ion-Comm Ia, Ion-Comm Ib and Ion-Coom Ic. Here is image of each satellite on launchpad. For first time I actually haven't used Asparagus (if you don't count career and science mode until you get fuel pipe), because it wasn't needed. First, 4 side liquid boosters were used and then after throwing them off, central engine was activated. First, I have get my apoapsis to 300 km, periapsis to 80 km and I have launched next probe. I did same thing with third probe. At periapsis, apoapsis was increased up to 800 km, which was final height. Controlling 3 flights at once was something kind of challenging for me as I haven't ever controlled even 2 flights at once. In middle of mission, I have installed Kerbal Alarm Clock, which helped me very much. I have done everything how it was planned to do and finally had 3 probes at 800 km ready for synchronizing. Main engines also had their own probe cores, so I could have deorbited them, to not have debris on orbit. Synchronization was something not-that-easy-as-it-sounds thing to do and I even found those ion engine at lowest throttle very unprecise. It needs high precision to make them orbit synchronous and keep them in desired positions for as long as possible. If one of satellite would have orbit 2 km lower, he would meet other satellite after some time. I have synchronized them not in terms of kilometers, but in terms of meters. At 800 km around Kerbin. Now you may have realized why I found ion engines inprecise. On these images you can barely see (nearly) perfectly synchronized Ion-Comms. To be really precise I have first get each probe at absolutelly stable orbit (~179,979 meters). Then I have counted exact distance of probes from each other in triangle using this formula: it is basically just expression of "a" from formula for radius of circumscribed circle of an equilateral triangle. It is 2,424 km for my probes. If you would ever need this, remember that R is your orbit height + radius of body you are orbiting. With my precision it should cover whole Kerbin equator for years, maybe decades. Here are results of synchronizing (on Y1, D7, 2:19). Also note that pure rotation alters KSP's orbit calculation a lot here: Ion-Comm Ia Apoapsis - 799,997 m Periapsis - 799,956 m Average - 799,977 m Distance to Ib - 2,141,319 m Distance to Ic - 2,441,922 m Ion-Comm Ib Apoapsis - 200,002 m Periapsis - 199,963 m Average - 799,983 m Distance to Ia - 2,141,319 m Distance to Ic - 2,402,809 m Ion-Comm Ic Apoapsis - 799,985 m Periapsis - 799,945 m Average - 799,965 m Distance to Ia - 2,441,922 m Distance to Ib - 2,402,809 m
  13. Part 7 - Bop and Pol This was so far easiest part of whole thing. It actually was boring. I have decided to not do more videos, because judges don't have time for them and it's too much work for me. ------------------------- ALBUM
  14. No problem, it works now so I am happy for that! Kyasarinn Most people (if they are not physicist and don't make real-life rockets) are first bad at KSP. But once you get some experience, you find yourself doing once impossible things. It also helps you understand physics very much (just ignore atmospheric drag, it is really simplified in KSP). And even if you never get experience from KSP, your art will be still awesome!
  15. It actually only gives me that string blue&underlined and when i click it it actually leads to http://THATALPHASTRING. Your instructions aren't clear enough for me
  16. Let me just thin... No need for thinking, it's Tylo. Nearly gave up whole Ultimate Jool-5 because of it.
  17. Before I get to high school, Kerbal was awesome game for me, including good physical engine. But I had to think about everything as I learned from videos. Now that I am on high school everything makes sense and I found that it even helps me to play it in better way! Anyway, I have forum related question. How to make imgur album being shown here as album? You probably know what am I talking about.
  18. Something makes me feel like you should make some kind of mod!
  19. Part 6 - Tylo Nearly made me quit whole this mission because landing there was impossible. Until I came with awesome idea! ------------------------- MISSION REPORT Correcting Tylo transfer Circularizing at 39 km - Attempt #1 Lowering to 20 km Undocking Tylo lander Unsuccessful landing (BOOM!) - Attempt #2 Lowering to 34 km Undocking both Tylo and Trial lander with full fuel tanks Successful landing Doing EVA and planting flag Getting back into lander after few tries Takeoff - using last fuel 20 km orbit done using rcs after liquid fuel ran out Rendezvous using Ship Docking of Trial lander only NOTE: Heights of orbits are approximate ------------------------- ALBUM
  20. Haven't really started and already so awesome... I love your work! Can't wait for actual story to start. I just hope that when I start making my own Duna base in near days, it won't be considered copying, because I have got idea of making it here before I knew about THIS. Anyway, everyone who plays KSP must at least once think about Duna base. What do you guys think?
  21. Part 5 - Vall To be honest, this part of mission is so far my favourite. I did everything pretty well, probably did not quickload and landing was fun for me to do. ------------------------- MISSION REPORT Entering Vall SOI Circularizating at 32 km Undocking Trial Lander Landing and planting flag Takeoff and circularizating Rendezvous and docking Getting out of Vall SOI and doing Tylo transfer at once Correcting trajectory to Tylo NOTE: Heights of orbits are approximate ------------------------- VIDEO
  22. Part 4 - Laythe I have heard many things about Laythe. Such as that atmosphere is really less dense than expected. I have to do orbit, land, takeoff, dock and finally do transit do Vall. Sounds easy. Well, with quicksaving... ------------------------- MISSION REPORT Correcting Laythe periapsis to 26.305 km Laythe aerobraking, getting apoapsis to 181 km Circularizing to 181 km (179-183 actually) Undocking Laythe lander, docking Trial lander on top of ship Decreasing Laythe lander speed for landing Landing (with chutes) Planting flag and doing some experiments Takeoff - increasing mainly horizontal speed using jets Takeoff - using rocket engines to get 82 km orbit Lowering Ship to 82 km for rendezvous Docking Laythe l. to transfer remaining fuel and Jeb Throwing of Laythe l. and docking Trial. l on top Escaping Laythe SOI Vall trasfer burn NOTE: Heights of orbits are approximate ------------------------- VIDEO
  23. Part 3 - Corrections Having Jool periapsis don't mean anything. Well it actually does, but there is a lot of things that have to be done. I have done total of 3 corrections to get periapsis to height, which awesome Aerobraking Calc. told me to be best. It turned out pretty well, apoapsis was just a little below Laythe's one. After one more maneuver, I have avoided falling into Jool's atmosphere again and also transfered to Laythe. ------------------------- MISSION REPORT Correcting Jool periapsis to 130,000 km Staging (3 jumbo tanks remaining now) Correcting Jool periapsis to 4,557 km Correcting Jool periapsis to 114 km Jool aerobraking get our apoapsis to 19,923 km Increasing Jool periapsis 5,658 km while doing Laythe tranfer NOTE: Heights of orbits are approximate ------------------------- VIDEO
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