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Everything posted by RandomName101

  1. I'm fairly new to kerbal mods and I'm interested in creating a custom part inspired by Lackluster Labs. I want to create a rectangular, radial mounted part designed to be an intake/fuel tank/jet engine. I would like some help creating the assets and programing but I already have a design in mind. If interested please message me either on the forum on on twitter @AustinTheWriter
  2. Try this link https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0nBEdIhAv3GbjQwRkMtSjF1dlk/edit?usp=docslist_api If it works I'll edit this to feature this link. If not I'll make a new thread featuring both my 1.0 and 2.0 versions through a different media server than google drive
  3. A simple yet elegant design. Used short range to taxi kerbals using the abort system to land along with the landing legs. Use infinifuel to go long range and keep it under 1/3 throttle. Download and pictures (download will be up at roughly 5:00) https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile?rfd=1#folder/0B0nBEdIhAv3GflVtQ2dNMkJUbkFOZHZWbUFtY1V2dnhYQm0zT19pdEs1TFlMRUZheGhNbDQ?sort=13&direction=a
  4. I'm looking for some cool looking jet powered land vehicles to toy around with. I'm also thinking of using a couple in an episode in my series when I start recording. If you have one you want to show off post the download link, picture, and a link to either your forum page or to your YouTube.
  5. Alright thanks for the input and I'll be sure to credit you in the video on my channel
  6. I meant the former. What style would I have to use because I was thinking of using a VTOL Dropship style plane using R.A.P.I.E.R. Engines.
  7. HELLO GAMERS! this is Austin from the SGBU and I'm seeking out awesome mission ideas for my Kerbal Space Program series on my channel. I'm seeking entertaining challenges that I can get a viable 30 minute or less video out of with a maximum of 2 hour recording period. Thank you and I will be sure to credit your forum and/or YouTube name for your submission. My Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNvmmyfpsqWJt1x-vP_uoow
  8. I found these awesome trucks on the forum but I can't figure out a stable way to get them to the mun. Original post http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/37575-(0-21)-King-of-the-Road-Update
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