In the beginning of space exploration,there were two superpowers.The Kerbal States of Amerika and The Koviet Union battled for control of the cosmos with their programs KASA-Kerbal Aeronautics and Space Administration,and Galactech.Here is their story... This is a small story I cooked up after having fun with many,MANY mods.It will become image heavy in the future.For now,it isn't. INTRO Jeb:WHEEEEEEEE BOOM! Wherner:And....zat's the fifth time zis veek. Gene:Jeb...... Jeb:My head...LET"S DO IT AGAIN! Bob:You're such an idiot... Gene:So,fifth test of RT-5 strapped to a capsule is a fail...alright Jeb,hit the showers. Bill:Why did we hire him in the first place? Jeb:Hey!You two came with me! Bob:Because we wanted to prevent the death of millions,and the possibility that you would fire twenty SRBs at Kussia.We want to stay in good standings with them. Gene:Speak of the devil.We're getting a call. Admin:Hello Gene. Gene:Admin.Calling to surrender in the space race? Admin:No.I just wanted to say we landed a probe on the Mun yesterday. Gene:So,it finally happened... click! Gene:Men,we have a new objective! Jeb,Bill,and Bob:Hm? Gene:The Koviets have landed their Muna 9 landed.Our race has officially begun!