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Everything posted by spacedoctor42

  1. Does this work with 1.0? I suppose I could try it and find out couldn't I...
  2. I've found a major issue with SCANsat. I was using it with resource overlay and I right clicked on the map which caused all of the buttons to squish together in the upper right corner rendering the map completely unusable. I can't figure out how to fix it. Anyone else experience this?
  3. I've got a small issue, I don't know if it's this or SCANsat but I right clicked on the map and it bugged out completely.
  4. Well, I've scanned the entire thing with a Karbonite scanner that tells me it's working. I've also noticed that there is no mention of resources in the SCANsat settings.
  5. Nope, turned on the "enable SCANsat" button but it's still not working.
  6. I can't for the life of me figure out how to get this to work with SCANsat. I have both installed but there is no option anywhere on my map for a resource overlay.
  7. Ok, I feel sort of stupid but not really, the manual for SCANsat is kind of confusing. Turns out you need this to make the resource overlay work.
  8. I've been trying to get SCANsat to make resource maps but it doesn't seem to be working. It is quite possible that I either installed the mods wrong or am using the wrong parts. here's a shot of the satellite: The equipment on board is as follows: Radar Altimetry Sensor Multispectral Scanner KA-100 Detection Array (from Karbonite) Planetary Survey Camera (From MKS) Here's the big map. As you can see, there is no resource map available: And here is the settings menu. Also nothing about resources: What's wrong here?
  9. I don't mean to hijack this thread but I'm having the exact same problem. I am using ATM but I do have a lot more mods installed. Do I need to remove some of them or is there a way around it?
  10. I've started a new game with FAR (and a few other mods) installed and I'm finding that my rockets are no longer flying properly. They tend to reach 6Km and then flip upside-down and explode. I think FAR is causing this but it means that I have to learn to build better rockets and I can't seem to figure it out. Can somebody give me a hand.
  11. Got it!!! The ship was upside down which made the RCS controls a bit wonky.
  12. I'm trying to figure out how to dock but I can't seem to get it right. I've been following Scott Manley's tutorial on the subject and I am now orbiting 17.8 m away from the target but I can't seem to get the actual docking part right. Can you guys help me out?
  13. I managed to fix it by moving the fuel lines around. Now I don't have enough thrust to get into orbit but that I do know how to fix.
  14. It was spinning before the wings. I put the wings on to try and stabilize it.
  15. I'm planning a manned (kerbaled?) mission to Duna. I have the main ship in orbit and plan to dock the lander at the top of this rocket before departing. However, this rocket spins uncontrollably during launch. Can someone tell me why?
  16. I'm serious, I can't find any .jpg's in the gamedata folder and this bug is driving me nuts.
  17. I've been having trouble building spacecraft with the 2.5m parts. Every time I try the rockets become extremely unstable, eventually tearing themselves apart. I also can't seem to do radial decoupling with the 2.5m parts. When I try to do this, the radial fuel tanks stick to the central one and just hang there adding to the wobble. What am I doing wrong.
  18. I don't know if this is the right subforum to post this in but I'm sure the mods will sort it out if it isn't. I've been having a weird bug with the Environmental Visual Enhancements mod which causes the entire night half of the planet to be covered in the city lights effect. It looks like someone poured glowing goo all over half the planet. I suspect it may have something to do with Ferram since the bug appeared immediately after I installed it. Anyone else experience this?
  19. I have a bunch of mods installed that add a lot of really cool parts to the game. However, it's getting a bit difficult to find the parts I need as they tend to get lost in all the clutter. Has anyone implemented something like a search bar to the parts window? If not, consider this a request for such a mod.
  20. Here's the situation: Jebediah Kerman is currently out of fuel in orbit around Kerbin at around 200km as the result of a semi-successful mission to the mun. The only part I have currently unlocked that can carry passangers is the Mobile Processing Lab. Being new to KSP, I am having difficulty building a rocket that can match Jebediah's orbit and have enough fuel to return to Kerbin. Can anybody point me in the right direction?
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