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Everything posted by Kussris

  1. I used the FAR mod and made a chart of the drag force. I am not sure if the drag is right; it increases after the speed of 300 m/s (?)
  2. Here the new charts. I am not sure if the drag is right; it increases after the speed of 300 m/s (?) I used the FAR mod.
  3. Hi ! Thanks for the replies. I will make a new flight and log the data you ask for. It will take a day or so for making all flight charts.
  4. Hi! This chart shows the position of the center of gravity and the center of drag on a KSP rocket (Pioneer 1). Together with the drag (as acceleration) you can pick the point where 'max Q' happens and see the lever between the center of gravity and the center of drag.
  5. Thanks! Now I understand it much better.
  6. Thanks for the reply! The total steering loss is 10 [m/s²] and the max. acceleration in this moment is also thrust/mass = 10 [m/s²]. So, 10-10=0 ? Does this mean that the velocity vector does not change in direction nor in magnitude?
  7. Hi ! I am very interested in the subject, but I have not understood it jet. When the steering loss is "thrust/mass * (1-cos(alpha))", how big is it by alpha=90 degrees so the thrust is normal to the velocity? Say thrust/mass = 10 [m/s²]; alpha = 90 degree steering losses is = ???
  8. Thanks for the detailed answer! I will play a bit with the settings ...
  9. Thanks for the answer! I get the re-entrey effects during launch (red flames). Is there a way to adjust Deadly Reentry so that the flames are only on reentry?
  10. I've used KSP 1.0.2 with the importer. The UV's were mirrored but I fixed that in Blender.
  11. Hi! I like the new Deadly Reentry mod! Thanks for making it work with KSP 1.0. But I need help for adjusting the settings (alt F12). I get the re-entrey effects during launch (I am not to low and to fast) and I like to make it more deadly. Which settings are to be changed? Thanks for helping me.
  12. Hi! Is there a possibility to display flight data in a graphic and not only in values?
  13. Hi! Is there a possibility to set the current height data over a precalculated ascent profile, so that you can see if you deviate from the flight path?
  14. It is a mesh made in Blender based on the ascend path and then imported in Terragen.
  15. Thanks! Now I understand how to calculate the steering losses. I have the steering direction (from the Ascent Komputron) in which the rocket is steered by a KOS script and I can log the prograde vector during the flight. That difference should be the angle alpha. You're probably right that it is neglectable but I found it interesting how to calculate the steering losses.
  16. Thanks for the reply! I love to building rockets in KSP an see wath happens when I launch them, but i was wondering if I could calculate the rockete before launch so that the next Kerbal dose not get lost in space. So the program "AscentComputron" calculates much, but might have a bug in the DeltaV diagram in terms of the steering losses. So I like to calculat them myself. I suspect that the speed of the rocket in flight should be = DeltaV - drag losses -gravity losses - steering losses
  17. Does anyone knows how to calculat the steering losses ?
  18. This ascent path was calculated with the "AscentComputron" for a simple two-stage rocket and visualized with Terragen 3. Viewpoint is ca. 4000 m over the sea level.
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