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Everything posted by Mindog101

  1. Thanks for having a look i appreciate the feed back however i got a query wich i found by scrolling through the completed mission params. In case of the telescope mod yeah i remeber doing that good spot, but the mod is still on there because i love telecopes...but if i were to accept a mission and the agent tied into that mission was in fact a mod agent and i deleted that mod would it still have the same effect? Mod is Dmagic it was for orbital sciencey stuff...so if i were to change the parameter instead of that mod agent maybe change it to a stock ksp agent?Advice please..
  2. ok here is the persistance file much appreciated...thanks http://filebin.ca/1tRL7C0buWOH/persistent.sfs
  3. OK so i have the same problem with the research centre, sph etc but i don't remember doing anything with my roster for the kerbals, and yes my version is modded.. i have tried the patch did not work so am in need of assistance, also how do i give you my persistant save file do icopy it then post it on here?
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