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Everything posted by Hotel26

  1. Actually, this may work better for you: Check out GameData/KerbinSideRemastered/Statics/ExampleBases/KSCUpgrades/ Sorry I did not recall this immediately. KerbinSideRemastered does categorize the airports by name. Make a backup (outside of GameData) and then just delete this directory... You will need to reboot KSP to see any effect.
  2. The most convenient way to do this would be to type Ctrl-K at KSC to open KerbalKonstructs. The statics you wish to delete are in the group KSCUpgrades. Then set the active group to KSCUpgrades. Open Local Instances. Begin deleting those statics. (If you want me to be more precise, let me know.) Check out this excellent guide: https://github.com/caerfinon/KerbinSideRemasteredGapExtras/wiki/Getting-Started-With-Kerbal-Konstructs And this: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/203727-kerbal-konstructs-airport-exchange/ Good luck! EDITED: please see below.
  3. Pictured left is EGO Hedgehog station in the Eve-Gilly orbit which touches one of the Gilly orbital nodes. It is a link in the fuel supply chain to Low Eve Orbit. Attached are a Zippo 2 fuel lighter, 5x Zephyr second-stage boosters (retired from Kerbin) and a Mule nuclear tug. Pictured right is the Mule taking two of the Zephyr boosters down to LEO where they will be used as descent arresters in conjunction with any traffic bound for the Eve surface. This is the brand-new Busby[1] airport, 28km due west of KSC. It has the distinction of being my very first, programmatic, cookie-cutter airport. Yay. I used the following command-line to run code to add it to my collection of airports: airport Busby -0.1464 -77.4153 700 140 1700 The parameters are: name, lat, lon, alt, runway heading and length. [1] Busby is named after my cat.
  4. Referring to (the slightly stale) slide 2 in the previous, we observe that the payload will arrive in 1d 1h 33m (27180s) but we are ready to get there in 1h 42m 23s (6143s), which is way too early. We need to kill 27180 - 6143 seconds (21037s total) in waiting orbit. Our orbital period is 42m32s (2552s), so the wait time is 21037 / 2552: 8.24 orbits (Norb). Therefore, our plan is going to be to spin for 7 orbits (Norb - 1). Then extend the period of the final (8th) orbit by 0.24 orbits. The easiest and most practical way to do this (after setting an alarm to take us into the penultimate orbit) is to replot the intercept transfer and compute the arrival discrepancy between payload and interceptor. In this case it will be 21037 - 8 * 2552: 621 seconds. We extend our last orbit to take 2552 + 621: 3172 seconds. As soon as we have made that burn and are executing our last orbit, we can now replot the intercept transfer. A good tip is to make the interceptor apoapsis altitude identical to the payload periapsis altitude. In pseudo-code: given Tpay, Tcat, Tman and Torb: I think that, with the outline above, it is simple enough to do with a calculator (and no program is required): set an alarm for N - 1 orbits. (Go away and do other things.) Plot the intercept just before the last orbit and extend its period to match the difference between payload and interceptor arrivals. Finally, execute the intercept as one would usually do. And a note to the cognoscenti who may read this:
  5. So here is a worked example: [click + arrows => slide show] A Bull has picked up a Hitchhiker payload containing 4 tourists. It will perform a transfer injection to the Mun. That will give it a Mun encounter plus a Mun periapsis. Switching to the Finch waiting in low Mun orbit, we make the Bull a target and plot an intercept transfer, which gives us the Bull periapsis at the Mun (686,216m), it's arrival time (1d 1h 30m), our time to reach the maneuver point (17m 20s). [Slide shown is several minutes stale, so numbers below were taken slightly earlier.] We also note our orbital period (per KER (LHS HUD): 42m 31.7s). Now run the arithmetic: >meet 1d1h33m 1h42m23s 19m31 42m32 Orbit for 0d5h17m15.000s, then extend final orbit to 0d0h52m53.000ss; then intercept > After loitering in orbit for 5h 17m (N - 1 orbits), we approach the final orbit but execute a short burn to extend its period to 52m 53s. This will kill the remainder of the wait time. After that final orbit, execute the intercept transfer and we find an expected 298m rendez-vous 1h 20m 13s hence. After the Target Retro burn, actual distance is 302m Finch is about to take the baton (Hitchhiker) from Bull. All are still moving on an escape trajectory for a coast back to Bull's starting point. After the payload transfer, an alarm is set on Bull's Mun escape. Finch burns retro to lower its orbit back to Mun space station altitude. After Bull escape, it performs a short retro to lower its altitude to 50km, inside Kerbin's atmosphere. NOTE BENE: for Bull re-entry, I like to adopt an ORB Normal attitude and then spin up the craft to about 2 revolutions per second. This gives it gyroscopic stability in a broadside attitude that incurs some heavy drag, while somewhat distributing the heat. Three aero-braking sessions is about as much as I can stand and I burn fuel on the last to begin the rendez-vous with an LKO fuel station.
  6. Whereas, I prefer to use NERV-propulsion for most orbital and deep space operations, the length of LKO maneuvers to inject a transfer even to Mun and Minmus can be rather long. So I built a Thud-based tug, Bull (pictured left), as a mundane tug for orbital operations but with an auxiliary function to provide that quicker transfer injection to lighter payloads. The mainstay of my tug fleet is Finch (pictured right). It usually launches from the pad as a second stage and, though it is fully recoverable, often continues on into extended service in orbit/space. At the end of the quick project to build Bull, I discovered a fun, little game to use Bull to launch a payload to the Mun and then separate to coast back to aerobrake before returning to a home station to refuel, ready for next use. Meanwhile, a Finch, waiting in orbit at the Mun (or potentially Minmus), is able to plot an intercept with the separated payload and capture it for delivery to LMO. It is surprisingly fun to do... Please see also: Hitchhiking to Moho. More details follow in the next post...
  7. I have substituted two RA-100 relays for two of the three RA-2s in Kerbin polar orbit. [click + arrow => slide show] In the first shot, An RA-100 approaches an RA-2 to adopt an identical orbit. In the second, the two pose together. (You can see the wounded RA-2 had lost a couple of panels during deployment (5 years ago!) but is still operable.) In the third shot, the RA-2 returns to its Maker. This constellation had the standard 3x equatorial and 3x polar but, in addition, 2x 'Meerkat' RA-100s in extremely elliptical orbits to loiter high above (and below) the ecliptic, phased such that one is always online to the rest of the solar system while the other dives through its periapsis. My plan is that upgrading two of the polar relays (altitude 1,000km) to RA-100s will mean that at least one is clear of the Kerbin 'umbra' in the ecliptic -- and that means that the Meerkats can come down. In summation, 3x RA-2s in a 1,000km high equatorial orbit and 1x RA-2 and 2x RA-100s in a 1,000km high polar orbit. 6 sats in total, with the 2 polar RA-100s providing the Meerkat function. It also means, to prove the concept, that I have to pull down all other Kerbin constellations, including e.g. my Quattro and Tetrahedron test constellations.
  8. I had a lot of fun with this: Hefty is the little sky crane on top of the center stack. It launches with Tripod, the base pod platform, which is assembled in lunar orbit and then deposited. Left rear is an ORB Mk2, which generates the usual fluids. An Xenon Converter appears center front and it converts Ore and Charge into Xenon (using magic[tm]). Right rear is a Tripod Tower (missing its RA-2 (oops) and fairing and Papa Dock, which are used for stacking in space for transfer and for lowering into position). All up crew is 12 kerbs (not counting the visitor, Hefty). Oh yeah, at the very center (under Hefty) is Xenon Silo, which sports 30x 5700-size xenon tanks under the hood. This was the prime mover for the whole project, because it requires a convenient connection to ORB Mk2 for the 'coal' it extracts the xenon from. The whole kit makes a modest but fun project and I'll likely publish the components shortly!
  9. Thanks, Jimmy. I came back here to commend Cloyd Ian, Private Division Support, for giving me this answer (set Beta to None to get the latest), but I'm marking your post as the Answer, too. Thanks! Beta is new to me and I think 1.11.2 got stuck as a default the last time I deliberately downloaded that specific version. It's good to know about.
  10. Steam had provided the 1.12.1, 1.12.2 and 1.12.3 versions. I haven't been watching for a while as I'm main-lining on 1.11.2. It's set to auto-update but the buildID.txt (in ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/commonKerbal\ Space\ Program) is: My Steam Library lists me with KSP 1.11.2. Properties: Updates: shows: "Always keep this game updated". App ID: 220200 Build ID: 6326759 Installed content updated: Mar 25, 2023 at 2:04 PM (Before I started fiddling today, last update had been shown as Mar 06. Today, I did an Uninstall followed by Reinstall.) The problem might be that I never leave Steam up for long; maybe I just need to leave it up for a week and see what happens? (I thought there used to be a way to trigger download of a particular version.) Any suggestions would be appreciated!
  11. SPACE NEWS GAZETTE A slow week here in KSC, so we let a rookie Remote Re-entry Specialist run a recovery -- while the rest of us ran a pool... We figured, "well, older equipment, so...if anything goes missing, nobody will notice..." Uhm, the KSC Rules of Pool are: nobody offers advice or even prompting... You understand: there can be rather large funds afloat on the KSC floor just after pay day; there's a lot at stake. So the general sniggering broke out (yes, against the KSC Rules of Pool!, since it can distract the turkey rookie) over the Sandy Desert when it became crystal clear to the pros this was going to be a massive overshoot. I did have my money on the rookie, though![*] [Click + arrows => Slideshow] Happy to say that Remote Re-Entry Specialist, Dilman Kerman, did not get flustered, did not panic, did not even break a sweat; kept his nerve and ... successful touch-down of Zephyr re-entry booster at Gilligan's Island! (Bit of a wake-up call for GIL ATC there when we used the landline to phone in the approach (45 seconds beforehand): "Ah, Gilligan's Island, we have a vertical descent over the numbers, Runway Thirty-Six, for you, if you can accept the traffic, Gilligan...?". Our ASR Recovery Rules give immediate and full recovery credit for any base landing. The losers in the pool made D.Kerman pay for a round of their drinks afterward to celebrate his mission outcome; but he was nevertheless grinning from ear to ear. Give him time! He'll wise up... [*] Dilman is the nephew of my bookie...
  12. I second this. (I also added NavBallTextureChanger with a complementary navball color scheme to make the pink and yellow markers easier to read.) Navball Docking Alignment Indicator revolutionized my docking strategy and is ultra-simple. As much as I liked DPAI for the years I used it, I would never go back. If I understand this right, Control From Here; SAS Target and then standard use of RCS is how I accomplish same.
  13. SPACE NEWS GAZETTE Kerbal Space Command has been sending these ORB Mk2 mining rigs to the Mun to set up a base network. (There will be at least 12 overall.) Pictured: Left to Right: ORB Mk2, Finch Lux and the Zodiac lifter (begat by Zephyr which was begat by Atkara...). So I knew this was coming: I entered the VAB with purpose earlier this evening. About 15m to construct ORB Quattro: 4x ORB Mk2 on top of a Finch Lux on top of a Zodiac lifter. This is my first serious use of Zodiac (many thanks to @swjr-swis, as usual). [click + arrows = slide show] and straight outside to the launchpad in my production (Orbit) world, for a nocturnal launch/mission. Not a single hitch! Payload delivered to space and ready to plot the transition to the Mun. Zodiac return to KSC and pulled to a stop just at the turn-off to proceed to the VAB doors for recovery. Re-entry fireworks occurred earlier than scheduled, over the west coast of the KSC command peninsula, and so Mission Control plotted a perilous night-time descent via the Khyber Pass (alt. 4.5 km) in the Western Wall mountains, followed by direct to BAKOR and then inbound for R9. The Zodiac's twin Panthers offer an 'assist' to return but Mission Control had to nurse fuel consumption during the final 10m. Ecstatic burst of applause from all staff as the main bogeys made soft touch-down straddling the center-line just past "the numbers"... A very good evening for Kerbal Space Command (and to all, from KSC).
  14. I woke up this morning feeling so in love with KSP! (I had to take a shower and then go downstairs to play KSP.) KSP is what gets me out of bed in the morning. And/or coffee...
  15. Re CSH2: very, very impressive fuel efficiency numbers! And striking, as usual.
  16. Mun exploration. This scooter is so much fun. 2.5 km/s dV and 5.6 m/s/s accel. For short(ish) distances, Vert lift-off, followed quickly by SAS Target (course alignment) and then 45-degree muzzle elevation for the long throw... So, I've talked about it before, but I've finally made up my mind and decided on 6 bases (milspec 'hi-yield') around the Mun's equator. And 3 each around the 60th parallels, north and south. (The poles are too dark (and mountainous (and frankly, very scary)) to bother staying more than a few minutes. (As soon as a shadow moves, the r/t crackles with someone or other yelling:, "flee for your lives!")) "You there! On my mark... DEEEee-ORRBITT! ...NEXTTT!!!!!" I built this (center) today. (I love KSP: a whole day lost, most happily, in refinement.) (It's shadowy because it hasn't been Declassified yet!!) It's a rescue lander to refuel the rookies who land out with insufficient fuel to return to base. But it can also be a temporary base as it accommodates 5 and has comms relay capability.
  17. A very informative thread. Thank you, guys!
  18. I am (instinctively) still on 1.11.2. (I think there was nothing in 1.12 I wanted, nor that would justify the trouble of upgrading my Orbit world.) "Change is good!", but change can also be bad.
  19. When I finish my current KSP play-through. Started January 2018 (v1.3) and now (v1.11.2) projecting to get the basics of system colonization done by mid-2028. Or when everyone else gives the all-clear signal: whichever comes later... "Space is not only hard, but time-consuming"
  20. SPACE NEWS GAZETTE [prev] Anion landing on Minmus... [click + arrows = slide show] Touchdown 54m after KSC departure.
  21. SPACE NEWS GAZETTE [next] I have been using Anion recently to perform some survey work on Kerbin and, after a long day, thought I'd take a short HET refresher checkride in Anion: [click + arrows = slide show] accelerating directly toward Minmus (46 Mm distant); reaching midpoint 12m after KSC departure with 23 Mm to go, now traveling at 76.5 km/s, then turning immediately retrograde to begin the deceleration phase; achieved capture 22m after KSC departure and then commenced the HET descent reaching a peak speed of 4.2 km/s; entering Low Minmus Orbit 29m after KSC departure. Experienced a little over 14g (propelled by 2 out of Anion's 3 engines) for almost the whole trip. If I recall correctly, it is actually safe to use all three engines on full throttle in deep space, but only if the power is ramped up and down smoothly with the throttles. Sudden application/removal is almost certain to shred the space plane. Credit to the whole team is due: Anion is Caerfinon's Latitude fitted with a 23rd-century anti-matter drive, the blueprints of which were leaked to me by Dr Swis. My only contribution is 6kg of sweat lost to labored breathing while piloting the machine.
  22. Found an aircraft of unidentified marque attached to a munar space station and determined to pilot it down to Tolstoy base on the Mun's equator. Figured out it was a Delta, from October 2020 but no Pilot's Handbook available... Foolishly attempted a night landing anyway. Crew (2) survived but engine stacks were destroyed while cart-wheeling in lo-grav after hooking a wheel. Engineers are going to beef up the roll-axis RCS for me...
  23. Well done, @N_Danger, and congratulations!
  24. The experiment of the last several days has been to set up a "Moho Ring Route": Four craft orbiting in the ecliptic (0 inclination) with nominal AP: 6.226 Gm and PE: 6.02Gm, and with PE (ideally) at Moho's DN. Orbital period is 136d 4h 38m 58.667s which constitutes a 4:3 orbital resonance with Moho, yielding the potential for Moho capture for each craft every 3 turns, which is 410d. These would be fuel tankers and an incoming tanker would be replaced by an outgoing tanker with full fuel. Experiments with captures showed a typical local inclination of 107-115 degrees with a periaptic target velocity around 1580 m/s, which is not too bad (as an upper limit) for capture/ejection. Since Moho turns so slowly (123 Kerbin days), mining is likely to have to occur near the poles and be launched into a polar orbit to replenish the "fifth" tanker. Noting that Eeloo's average speed is 3.7 km/s and the Ring Route speed is about 13.5 -- 10km/s difference -- I'm going to start planning a Duna Ring Route with 7 fuel stations: ring speed 7.5 km/s. (Folks, I do comprehend that Mad Science is not a pretty thing to watch unfold. Somebody has to do this stuff. Mutter.) Before that, some experimentation with a Tylo gravity well crane called Tycho. It can take a 15t payload down to the surface and back up, assuming refueling available on the surface and in LTO (from e.g. Vall). It launches from KSC with an ORB miner in tow. Refuels in LKO and then proceeds to Tylo. Refuels again and then deposits the ORB on the surface. Then takes a Jumbuck fuel truck (transported separately) down purely to take pressure off of subsequent landing accuracy. By detuning the 3x Skipper thrust to TWR just slightly greater than 1, Jebediah was able to successfully redock with the ORB, but 3 trips with the Jumbuck will also refill the Tycho. Picking up a maneuverable payload like the Jumbuck, which can position itself under the Tycho stern dock is very easy. In general, Tycho only requires any payload to have a single top dock of any size. The problem is that @#$! KSP1 robotics causes the 3x hydraulic pistons to often just disappear after a scene reload. I haven't solved this so far, which is too bad, because the craft was promising to be very fun and versatile to use.
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