Hello. I am having some issues with the ISRU's. I can't seem to be able to use the stock ISRU's (Convert-O-Tron 250 and 125) to turn Ore into Liquid Hydrogen. Please keep in mind that I don't have SIMPLEX Resources installed. This is how the ISRU looks for me:
Something interesting that I observed related to this is the options for K&K Planetary ISRU from the Kerbal Planetary Base Systems mod. HydrateOre is mentioned, for example, but I believe that it only exists in SIMPLEX Resources:
I tried using SIMPLEX Resources, so I had to remove a CTT dependency, and that broke the game for me, which is why I don't want to use it. Is there any way for me to turn my Ore into Liquid Hydrogen that I am missing? Thank you so much for this awesome config, by the way, and thank you in advance. Have a good day!