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  • About me
    Bottle Rocketeer
  • Location
    Denton, Texas

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  1. Well, I attempted to get out and push. I've never really mastered the EVA controls, so each time is fraught with anxiety, panic, over-compensating, and general chaos. I got the capsule back into a re-entry, but poor Jeb was unable to join it.
  2. I would like to also point out that the current roster of devs is *very* active on the forums, compared to recent years, where you might see one or two on now and again. I think they are more involved here now than ever, and I for one appreciate that.
  3. I actually have a female cousin named Lezzie. Yep, it's a real name
  4. I'm not feeling anything as healthy as despair..more like manic glee. This may have been slighty influenced by my nephews watching me play and cheering all the fireworks. I think I've got the new aero figured out, the tricky bit is following the launch profile without any real control authority. I'll get it tho. I've never lost Jeb completely, and I'm not going to start now. Now...where's that duct tape....
  5. Now this is exactly the sort of insanity that I applaud! Count me interested. Good luck!
  6. I achieved orbit after a series of "learning opportunities" that reduced my funds to noodle ramen ration levels, unfortunately I also ran out of fuel at that precise moment. Jeb seems to have taken the news fairly well. Now I must attempt to somehow rescue him...without maneuver nodes...or conics...Should I tell him i've only ever achieved rendevous using Mechjeb? KSP...the only game I've ever enjoyed failing in. This would be so much easier if I had unlocked reaction wheels by now....
  7. Well, Jeb is grinning like a maniac, so you can't be completely off the mark.
  8. I am so very happy to see this! I have missed your particular brand of lunacy, Whackjob. It makes the world seem right.
  9. Right now, I'd say the Mun. It's the only one I've managed to land anything on that wasn't instantly surface scatter. Now to get a kerbal on there....
  10. I confess I've been lurking here awhile, and learning some things on the down-low , but now I've decided to creep out into the light.
  11. Thank you d4rksh4de! This looks really intresting.
  12. Greetings to you from Texas, USA home of the latest branch of Kerbal Space Program, mine I aquired this game after seeing it at a friend's house, and I haven't had this much fun in a long, long time. I look forward to learning this game and all the many spectacular failures I'm about to put my Kerbals through.
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