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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. I have tried NEAR (for quite a while until I recently switched to FAR) and maneuverability is dependent on speed and length i.e. shorter planes with higher aspect ratio going slower will turn faster. Try canards instead of tails and making your wings look like real airplane wings is always a good idea: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_Martin_F-22_Raptor#/media/File:Lockheed_Martin_F-22A_Raptor_JSOH.jpg P.S. plenty of vertical surfaces near the tail is a good idea.
  2. No, use lace, it's much better. I want a orange.
  3. A tiny mug borrowed with Jedediah, the Nintendo-64 shows a tiny gable of haze in a spiteful rainbow refrigerated container. According to poplar myths, the N64 is absolutely waffle awful and would defiantly be played.
  4. Is that k-prize badge? You just use the forums to come up with missions instead of coming up with your own? CHEATER!
  5. Is there any possibility of an pre-release?(Before balancing and stuff?) This looks so good! +rep
  6. Thanks for the comments! I considered adding seperatrons to the structural pylons, but that would have increased the lag even more!
  7. Thank you; I would be happy to receive feedback as this is the first space battleship I have built, so I have nothing to test it against.
  8. How does this work? is it a multiplayer thing? If I had a vehicle (like this:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/113515-Space-battleship-Porcupine-WITH-Secret-Weapon) would I need anything else to join? Thanks for answering my newbish questions.
  9. Here's something new: The Porcupine uses advanced armor (formed out of structural pylons it has a theoretical 999m/s impact resistance) and I have not been able to destroy it in tests! 6000 m/s Delta-v; Expand your empire to the farthest reaches of the kerbol system! It has 6 RT-10 missiles arranged in 3 staging groups AND a Secret Weapon; it can decouple all of it's structural pylons to form a cloud of debris. Enjoy: Download
  10. I get that! Used to think it might be a mod (FAR, Atmospheric sound enhancement, etc.)
  11. I landed a photon torpedo from the sci-fi mod on laythe. Dr. McCoy: [speaking through communicator] Spock, are you alive? Mr. Spock: [on the bridge of the Enterprise] An illogical question, Doctor, since obviously you are hearing my voice. Dr. McCoy: Well, I don't know why I was worried. You can't kill a computer. From "A private little war" via IMBD: http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0001439/quotes May Spock's spirit live on. (I hope that isn't disrespectful)
  12. I think best replica instead of best Apollo replica; because Apollo replicas aren't that common. Oh, and best mod craft.
  13. Amazing, do you have rover keys mapped to ijkl or numpad? Rep!
  14. No, you see there're not outside the VAB, there're inside it, just like the real VAB: "The interior volume of the building is so vast that it has its own weather, including "rain clouds form[ing] below the ceiling on very humid days"" Source: Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_Assembly_Building also, https://www.google.com/search?num=20&newwindow=1&site=&source=hp&q=vab+weather&oq=vab+weather&gs_l=hp.3..0i22i30.846.3800.0.4472. Did I cite that correctly?
  15. Staying focused long enough to complete a mission(especially interplanetary).
  16. Trajectories corrects for planetary rotation: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104694
  17. Tested on a stock install; parts work but accent profile doesn't, if anyone can figure out a working accent profile please tell me. Thanks!
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