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Posts posted by Findthepin1

  1. 3 hours ago, UnusualAttitude said:

    Arguably, a more striking feature on a larger body would be something like Valles Marineris.

    Valles Marineris is still much wider than it's tall. I heard once that if you stood in the middle at the widest part (Melas Chasma, I think), you can't see the canyon walls because they're over the horizon. So you still couldn't tell you were at a geologic feature. Wow.

  2. I was reading about the star on Reddit and I found an interesting thread that I thought I should say something about here. The OP of that thread (not me) noticed that the depths of the dips in the star's light are very close to being simple multiples of each other. Here is that that thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/KIC8462852/comments/53v0iz/the_depths_of_the_major_dips_of_boyajians_star/

  3. So I had this idea a while ago. I wanted to simulate a bacterium or something in a computer program, but without having programmed it to act like a bacterium, but it's made of simulated atoms and particles, with all the energy levels and whatnot the same, and see what it does? Like, it is a collection of many, many virtual atoms arranged like the ones in a real bacterium, and see if it acts alive or just sits there no matter what is tried to get it to wake up (whatever would work in real life). Is this feasible, and what kind of computer processing power would be needed?

  4. I think Laythe needs to look colder. Like, give it polar caps that cover a significant amount of the moon, sort of so the tropical zone is free of ice but that's it. Maybe make it actually colder too (Laythe in recent versions is warmer than it was in like 0.90, I liked the temperature better like that).

    EDIT: Yes I am a winter person :D 

  5. 42 minutes ago, James Kerman said:

    Some scientist speculate there may be life in the clouds of Venus now due to Carbonyl Sulphide detected and particles which are non spherical like microbes and the right size for them.


    Wasn't this mentioned in an article a few years ago?

    EDIT: Found the article, it's from 2013. http://www.seeker.com/does-alien-life-thrive-in-venus-mysterious-clouds-1767520286.html

    SECOND EDIT: Wait, the page you posted is from 2002. 

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