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Posts posted by Findthepin1

  1. 1 hour ago, cubinator said:

    That image is from 2008, so not exceptionally new. It sure looks like a crater, especially since the shadows match up with those in the much larger crater 14 km north of it. I would say it is definitely a crater. Now, the question is, does NASA already know about it?

    I really hope not. I want credit lol. :D

  2. I don't because if I can get it back basically immediately after I lose it, it is pointless to feel bad for. Kerbals are the ingame manifestation of a couple dozen lines of code, so I can simply create another one by pressing a few buttons. 


    Of course, when my ship crashes, I do make that expression of humourous disappointment that I have to go back to the last quicksave. The one where you go like "Ugh, not again!" while smiling like you have seen something funny on the Internet when nobody is around to hear you laugh so you don't. Instead, you exhale sharply through your nose. That expression. :D

  3. 2 hours ago, Nikolai said:

    But why wouldn't you just use that energy to, you know, accelerate existing matter?

    It takes more energy to do so. This way, we can create matter that's already going fast, and it takes less energy than to accelerate matter that already has a mass and a speed. Photons are massless. They don't need energy to accelerate themselves. Mass does. Photons can, however, be pointed in a direction, like mass, so the capabilities of direction are the same. Choosing the speed is probably possible depending on the angle of the photons when they are converted into matter. 

  4. Whoa whoa hold on. Goddard's rocket is cool! That was the first liquid-fuelled rocket ever. It was built by one person, building off no previous work, and is the basis of every single liquid-fuelled rocket to date. Don't tell me you don't find that cool! :0.0:

  5. 11 hours ago, fredinno said:

    1. Cassini probably was nowhere near the twr on its apogee engine needed to land on that moon.

    2. The entire point of burning the probe up is to prevent it from contaminating that moon. Landing on it defeats the purpose.

    3. It would probably be better to put it in a graveyard orbit around impetus,  for example, if you really want to save the probe. There , it won't infect anything.

    Until recently, NASA'S biggest employer was the shuttle, a space plane. Also, a significant portion of nasa is still aeronautics. Granted, nasa supported lifting body/space-based until right before project constellation.

    On the other hand, DC-X was a DOD program....

    That's your 3000th post!

  6. 1 hour ago, msasterisk said:

    Didn't you hear? Jack killed them all.

    But seriously, SQUAD said they would add GP2 years ago, but so far, nothing. Eeloo happened, but no GP2. Seems like it's been abandoned. I hope I'm wrong...

    I suppose Eeloo is GP2, in a way. It was a new Trans-Joolian object added sometime after the GP2 talks. It's just tiny and features nothing interesting.

  7. @Spaceception

    Definitely want to help. What can I do for this, specifically?

    Also, I agree that the concept is interesting. Although the chance of two civilizations forming, from two completely different species, on moons around the same planet, within a few thousand years of each other, is somewhat unlikely, I think this could be developed into a much more expansive thing.

    Is this going to be solely a worldbuilding project like the Alternate Solar System (needs a new acronym, lol), or a book like Void?

  8. I never complained. See, what's funny is that I keep hearing about problems with 1.1.x, but I don't usually notice a difference in performance between the versions (save the 1.0.5-1.1 loading speed increase). Basically these problems usually don't seem to happen to me, and the game works fine. Like, I used to send rovers to Minmus all the time, and I never had any problems with them. In fact it was only after a whole bunch of them had been sent and used that I discovered through the forums that Minmus rovers were supposed to be difficult. 

  9. If it's 30 or so meters across, then the radius is around 15 meters. See, it says "No less than 18 meters in radius..."

    So one 30 meters across is actually a really small E-class if the math checks out. Actually, that would make it smaller than the 18 meters minimum the game itself describes. Cool, an anomaly. 

  10. I found a thing on Google Earth and I don't know what it is. It's about 30 metres wide. It looks like a meteorite crater or something. There's a hole at the bottom, or an object, I don't know. I assume it's a hole. It's on a volcano, Mount Takahe. 76°17'13.29"S and 112° 9'45.72"W. You have to zoom really far in to see it clearly (almost to the point where it automatically puts you in street-view), the satellite picture is relatively excellent, but can only do so much. What is the thing?

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